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Hello Len Canvas Here

As demanded by our all mighty Wing Commander CardOtaku, I, Cadet Len Canvas, will entertain you a bit with me and my lovely self-yap. I haven’t been doing much anime / manga lately so while CardOtaku dances around joyously with those all loving tentacles~~~~ I’ll be reporting back at home. (^ ^)>

I’ve been fidgetting with my vanguard deck. (especally cuz yugayhou has no hope) Currently, its my OTT deck~ which honestly is not very competitive. I sometimes wish i had EYE power

(/ -)/~~~~~~~~~~ PSSYYYCOOLLIAAHH

like Aichi does. I don’t even have to see how each game ends, i just want flashy eyes so people go “nani?!”

Still, I simply can’t let myself give up on my fableds (yes, yugioh).

Instead of playing, I started drawing each fabled card that I use. This is how kushano looks like now. When I can’t stand it’s incompleteness , ill show you guys a more developed version…


(still cant get the face right)

Mission Complete. Cadet Canvas. Signing Out~ ( ><)>

Hi girls and guys~ yes im back

I’ve been busy doing stuffs so I didn’t have much time to think of a good post. anywars now that I’m slightly free and CardOtaku had his Lent post~
I suggest to also do things that you promised yourself to do but gave up on:

Using myself as an example. I’ve always admired ppl with their SAI and photoshop drawings on pixiv and DA, especially when they are manga/anime characters. Even when I was to illustrate for a story using manga style, I still didn’t have the courage to draw on computer. SO, I finally attempted on my first Photoshop drawing (with my mouse… >,<) Though as a self proclaimed perfectionist, I stopped myself from spending too much time on this (c’mon I’m still in college.)

I’m still trying to learn the proportions of the face in manga (my gawd just a tiny mistake makes a good looking face a flat one…) ANYWHOS.
The Point Is :: I challenge you to do something that you promised or wished you to do and work to it on these 40 (39?) many days!


Special Thanks to Silverblade for the suggestion ( ^^)-#