Cardfight Vanguard Episode 171 Review! -Spoiler

After the encounter with the Quatre Knights, Kai realizes that his effort in trying to make his friends remember Aichi, actually put them into danger. Kai decides that he will seek Aichi alone and tries to leave. However, Kamui does not agree to Kai’s decision and decides to challenge Kai to a battle. The battle introduces the new perfect raiser supports and after a long battle, Kamui defeats Kai. Kamui makes a speech regarding the importance of allies and “mates” and the episode ends with the group of friends deciding to seek Aichi together.

Highlight Cards

Ultimate Raizer Mega Flare


Grade / Skill Grade 3
Power 11000
Critical ★1
Nation Co star Star Gate
Clan Nova Grappler
Race Battleroid
Card Effect(s)
[ACT](VC): Legion 20000 “Ultimate Raizer Dual Flare” (If your opponent has a grade 3 or greater vanguard, only once, this unit may return four cards from your drop zone to your deck, and search your deck for the specified card, and perform Legion.) [AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if this unit is in Legion, and the number of [Rest] units you have is four or more, this unit gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle. [AUTO](VC):When this unit’s attack hits a vanguard, if you have another unit with “Raizer” in its card name in the center column, choose one of your rear-guards, and [Stand] it.

Ultimate Raizer Dual Flare


Grade  Grade 2
Power 9000
Critical ★1
Shield 5000
Nation Co star Star Gate
Clan Nova Grappler
Race Battleroid
Card Effect(s)
[AUTO](RC):During the turn that your vanguard performed Legion, when your vanguard attacks, [Stand] this unit, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn. This ability cannot be used for the rest of that turn.

Opinion The episode itself was like any other Vangaurd episodes where it focused on the “mate” aspect of the game and how everyone has to stick together as a team. Despite the predictable story plot, the true exciting part was the new Nova Grappler Legion support. The first card and the main grade 3 is Ultimate Raizer Mega Flare. Personally I really like this card but I don’t think it is considered op, I believe other legion will be better. Although it kind of forces the opponent to block since it is an on hit effect, the opponent has to guard anyways since it is +2 critical anyways. However this card will give Nova Grapplers high pressure VG with high pressure rear guards which will make the deck extremely fun to play and pretty competitive. The only problem I see is trying to protect your rear guards and facing Glendios.  Ultimate Raizer Dual Flare, this card I think is what makes this deck a fun deck to play. It gives the deck the Nova Grappler vibe of re standing  and also gives the player a reason to try use legion as a finishing blow. I just like how the mate synergizes with the legion so well and this gives the deck the ability to face higher tier decks.  The deck seems quite fun to play with all the crits and stands going back and forth. Maybe someone will run 16 crits for the deck?

Thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions or ideas on content you want us to cover, write a comment down below.


[OD] Which Gundam Is THEE Best?

For a long time, for around 10 years I have been watching my favorite mech series, GUNDAM. My Gundam story starts from Gundam Wing where I was around 12 when I watched it. It was my first Gundam series and it truly amazed me. After a couple of years, I watched the finished Gundam OO in around 2 days (both seasons) which kinda tells how much I was loved OO. I then watch the Seed series and the other series as well.

So, why did I write this brief description? For the ten years I watched various different series and I always talked about anime with my friends. Many Gundam fans probably asked each other this question at least once “which gundam series is the best?” I had countless discussions amongst my friends and even had a debate with them as well.

As the first question to the series “OtakuDebate”, I wanted to ask all the Gundam fans out there, What is your best Gundam series and what do you think is the worst?

What I think the best Gundam series is would be


Despite the downturn of the second season, Gundam OO made me watch anime again. I thought that the character design was amazing. The four main characters all had distinct personalities and traits. I loved how the side characters were not just for filler but all had some part in the series. However the main reason I loved the series would be due to the amazing Mobile Suits. OO had everthing I could ask in terms of variety of suits. It had a sword using suit, transforming suit, tanky armor cannon suit and last of all a sniper. The story was enjoyable, I loved the characters and is why I chose this as my favorite Gundam series.

For my worst series I would have to choose


The reason is pretty simple, I didn’t like the idea of a hand and no weapons. To me the idea didnt fit as a Gundam series and was a bit too dramatic for me.


These are my thoughts and I hope the other members of Void Canvas also answer this question



Going Deep with CardOtaku ;) – NO SHAME NO GAME!

Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here so … Here is a little something I was thinking about 😛
A couple of weeks back, I was talking to someone who was not very confident in being himself and often didn’t like telling people what his hobbies were (playing card games, watching anime and the list goes on). I, personally, also had this phase in my life and although I can’t say I’ve fully grown out of it, I can say that I am confident enough in telling my peers and my parents. Originally, I wasn’t very proud of myself of being an “otaku” though I can’t same I’m exactly “proud” of being one know I can say that I have come to terms with myself and learned to live and love this part of my life. 🙂

Back to my friend who wasn’t comfortable with being himself, he said that he doesn’t want to tell his peers about his love for card games and anime because he thinks that his peers will make fun of him. This is where I shared a similar experience, but as I grew older I’ve learned that friends who make fun of your hobbies and claim that you are not “cool” just because you don’t conform with them aren’t exactly fit to be your friends in the first place. I’ve come to find that friends are people who you feel comfortable around and people who don’t really care too much about what you do and just accept you for who you are. Of course, it would be even better if those friends share the same hobbies as you, but one can’t ask for everything. 😛
So the TLDR for this post is…

Ditch those “friends” of yours who don’t take your interests into consideration and find some new friends that you can genuinely talk to and feel comfortable around! Most importantly, don’t be ashamed of being who you are! Trust me… It helps a lot in the long run! 😉

Sorry for this sort of out of place post, but I feel like a lot of other people experience this problem, especially those living on west side of the planet!


ARTNERD Jumbletalk: Nekomogatari (Kuro)

**Discusses Nekomonogatari in terms of  art/graphics  only**

What a start of the year! Although we could only catch less than 5 seconds of Senjougahara’s back, these 4 episodes sure is my kind of fan-service: the pornographic 5-point distortion overlay on the one point perspective, semi-realistic atmosphere effects, the interchanging rendering style of the characters, the lovely flat panty-flash of solid color typography…. *kneel and bow*

It’s clear how much effort they placed in keeping their quality up to their own standard –and they did with extra surprises. Instead of showing off their fancy CG and $$$ spending artwork (did you see those feathers?) they weren’t afraid of slapping on their familiar black and white silhouettes. Their powerful abuse of point of view and denial is undeniably  fantastic.  Just the intro itself is enough “graphic porn” for a month. Their 3D is mixed in seamlessly with the flat renderings and the even more flat slide show bursts…

What I appreciate the most is their backgrounds. Obviously , they had the ability (and money up till part 4) to make the whole movie with all that scenery porn, but instead you get less than 5 seconds of each of those…  Quite sadistic move on their part (but I like it <3) There’s not a scene where the lighting is half-assed, making even the calmest scenes pleasurable for us who have ADHD in their eyes. All this clash of rendering/ drawing style couldn’t have worked without their carefully palette choice and alternating schemes. It almost spurs jealously in my worthless pride as a self-claimed artist… \(T^T)/. They still kept their graphic gradient foregrounds and figure suggestion, making neko~ very consistent (yet not boring) part of the series.

I’m very tempted to talk about neko~ ( and the blood-letting fanservice)  but I’m hope one of us would do so instead some other time…. From this point on im judge anime this season from a scale of 1 to  neko~ (though they’re probably not art related what-so-ever.)

Now I shall fly back to the land of gradients, hard lines, and bad headaches ❤
Len.Canvas (bursto outo!)

INFERNO COP – A hilarious show everyone should check out

SUP guys, TL here. With the the winter season upon us, I thought I might put up some of my thoughts on what I’ve seen

Today, I’m here trying to bring to attention an anime that probably went under most people’s radars. This show has actually been airing for three weeks now, and most people have probably never heard of it.

The show I’m going to talk about is Inferno Cop.

Basically what happened is a bunch of people from Studio Gainex, including the director of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (TTGL) and Panty and Stocking, left Gainex, and formed their own studio, and this is the first ‘show’ they’re making.

It’s pretty much a non show. The episodes are 3 minutes long, and the animation is extremely low budget.

So why am I talking about it?
Because it’s probably the most randomly hilarious thing I’ve seen in a long time. I honestly can’t tell if it was INTENTIONALLY hilarious, or just a case of “so bad it actually becomes good”. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed each episode. From the ridiculous plot, to nonsensical plot twists, to having what seems like two dudes voice every single character (including a female character), this show is just way too funny. It’s one of those things where the parts add up to be way more than the sum. It’s one of those “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M EVEN WATCHING, BUT IT’S PRETTY EPIC” things. It really makes no sense, but I’m enjoying it a lot.

Inferno Cop can be found for free here.  The videos have been translated, just make sure you have captions enabled.

Of course, it’s probably not for everyone, but in any case, they’re all less than 3 minutes each, so the worse that could happen is you’ll waste 9 minutes of your life.

The first episode was a little iffy, but episodes 2 and 3 had my splitting my sides.

So why are YOU not watching Inferno Cop.

Another Look into the New Season


>>> (^^)/// Len.Canvas here!

Being as terrible a person as I am, I can’t help but give another take the upcoming season. Although I did say (if anyone pays attention <(_ _)> ) ….
This season is looking better for me; at least this time I’m seeing season 2 versions of my animes I have watched. If you haven’t already don so please read TL’s post:

A Look at the Winter Season

Here’s my list that will most likely follow (and review of if it gets interesting):

1. Nekomonogatari (100%)
– I expected an arc for her in nisemono –thankfully they’re giving us such a wonderful new year’s gift ❤ Expecting fan-service, Senjougahara, great artwork, lots of laughs and smirks.

2. Amnesia (70%)
– the description reminds me of Tsubasa Chronicles and Pandora Hearts (hick*) but we’ll see if this ends up being some lousy shoujo…

3. Tamako Market (90%)
– kwaaah ❤  still waiting for a cute group of childhood friends closer to the level of K-on. Am I too optimistic?

4. Good Job Club (80%)
– remember Daily Life of High School Boys? just hope its not a female version of that (since I never read the LN) … but that won’t be too bad either…

5. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai (100%)
– AMATERASU??? (vg reference) and the art work looks sweet and the PV looks very promising. Hard-to-pull-off anime. Fingers Crossed….

6. Vivid Red Operation (100%)
– did I mention I watched Strike Witches I and II. Looking forward  to more loli-fighting (in bloomers anyone?)

7. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai S2, (70%)
– Don’t let me down cuz I will get bored if theres no relationship progression. But gag me till I cry and I’ll forgive you.

8. Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu yo? (100%)
“It is our problem child is likely to come from a different world?”
according to google translate
– Len-looking character?! click* click* click*yum*

9. Hetalia: The Beautiful World (100%)
– Italy entertain me moar!! :3

10. Doki Doki Precure (10%)
– WTF! I saw this on our local channel of season 1. gonna only watch one episode though… How can this shit get 10 seasons…

Saint Young Man
– the manga was hilar. and ova wouldn’t hurt…

Stay tuned in my attempt to fill my anime-void 😀


A Look at the Winter Season

Hey guys, TL here, with a short piece talking about what I think about the upcoming winter season.

For those that have not seen it yet, here is a chart with a rundown of what’s going to be shown in the upcoming season

Right at first glance, it really stuck out to me that there seemed to be a lot of moe, and as someone who isn’t particularly a fan of moe oriented shows, I have to say that I’m not particularly excited about this upcoming season.

There ARE a few shows that interest me though. Here’s a brief overview of what I will be watching.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: As I was reading the short description for each show, one of the few that I didn’t instantly go “NOPE” on was Maoyuu Maou Yuusha. The premise of it sounds interesting, and it’s also based on an LN that a lot of people say is decent. I’ll give this one a shot, hopefully it turns out to be good.

Tomako Market: I realized that I had earlier just said that I wasn’t a fan of moe shows, but Tomako Market is a show by KyoAni, and I have to admit that I do enjoy KyoAni’s works. On the other hand, it is an original show, and apparently last time they tried to make an original show, it sucked, so we’ll see how it goes this time.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai: I watched the first season and found it surprisingly enjoyable. It was stupid – but still pretty fun. Hopefully it continues to be funny and stupid, although I have a feeling there’s going to be some drama/romance in this season.

Chihayafuru S2: I’m watching the first season right now and I think this show is awesome. Can’t wait for season 2.

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai: The description sounds really random, but it’s an anime from SHAFT, and SHAFT usually makes pretty good stuff, so I’ll give this a try

Mangirl: Just kidding. I just put this here to point out the fact that there’s actually an anime called “mangirl”. Talk about most unfortunate name ever.

And there’s the sad reality – I’m only interested in 3 upcoming shows. It’s highly likely though that I’ll pick up more shows, after I get some feedback from the community.

On top of that I’ll be continuing on with the shows I’m following from this season, which are still running on. These shows are Magi, Psycho Pass, Sakurasou no Pet Kanojo, and Little Busters. I’m also going to pick up JoJo, probably, whenever I have the time to catch up.
I’ll probably try to catch Nekomonogatari, but it’s only going to be 4 episodes/movie length-ed.

Makoto: 5 Centimeters Per Second & Voices of a Distant Star

LenCanvas here,

Been a while since I’ve written anything. You’ll probably see something from me in the next week or so. Hopefully the team has been entertaining. Consider me the one that brings the alternative to this blog since I don’t try to catch the newest (or new) anime season. Today, I bring you some “literature” of anime:

||      Voices of a Distant Star and 5 Centimeters Per Second are both by  Makoto Shinka
||      discussing the intangible and mysterious connections between relationships. As the
||     titles suggest, these animations are neither harem-filled, panty-flash eye-candy (though
||     they do have scenery porn), nor ending with happily ever after. These animations hit
||     the bittersweet heart-buds and are meant to be watched with concentration and detail to
||     character roles.


||     The plot in 5 Centimeters Per Second is highly composed and brutally
||     honest, not afraid to give glimpses to the repetitive but equally numbing actions
||      growing children take. As you can tell I felt very moved by the movie but appreciating it
||      requires much attentive relation to the characters. Hence, if you search around google
||     you would see comments of boredom and lack of interest. Highly recommended for
||     the softhearted.

Voices of A Distant Star

||     Voices of a Distant Star is a (dated) sci-fi fantasy ova harping on those same
||     heartstrings. The story is much less complicated –a preview in comparison to 5
||     Centimeters Per Second. There’s a lot more implied in the characters’ roles: the
||     typical childhood friend scene with singular, timid mix of friendship and hormones. The
||     artwork is not for everyone but if you’re into mech and space scenes…. The breadth
||     of this ova disappoints me but is acceptable since its was all done by Makoto and his
||     wife (later re-dubbing from professionals.)

5 Centimeters Per Second:

artwork: 6/7
plot: 6/7
Lencanvas points: 7/7







Voices of a Distant Star:

artwork: 4/7
plot: 4/7
Lencanvas points: 5/7




BAHHH!!!!! SO… It’s that time of year again… (No, not Christmas…)

EXAM WEEK! I don’t know why, but I NEVER felt anything until maybe a week before exams started… I am starting to  get really angsty and have been swearing at almost EVERYTHING I see. BAHHH!!!! I guess I’m sort of writing this article today to let out some stress –and it does. 😛

Just yesterday, my computer started freezing up and I ALMOST smashed it onto the floor, but then my brain started to talk to me and said “BRO! DON’T! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” I listened to it, took a moment to think and put the computer down! That was pretty helpful…

Well anyway… I know I’m not the only one out there, so to all the other exam takers: I salute you! Good luck everyone! ^_^d

P.S. Yes… I know we said we were going to post more frequently, but most of the Void.Canvas crew are also feeling super angsty at the moment 😛 Sorry for the wait!


PEWPEWPEWPEW~! Back From Japan!

Hey guys! CardOtaku here 🙂

I came back from Japan a few days ago and man… I am TIRED!
This was mainly because I had to attend class the day right after and I got home at 3:30AM the day just before >_>

Whelp! This is just a quick update to notify you guys that I am back, but I will have exams starting next week so I might not be able to post as often 😦
The other boys at Void.Canvas are finishing their exams and so that’s probably why you haven’t heard from them lately… Hopefully they will start posting again after they finish this semester! *cough* (I’m talking to you guys! Seriously… Don’t make me do all the work! XD)

Anyway… It’s time to go study again… :/

See yall soon! 😀
