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Heyoo!!! SUP EVERYBODY?!?!?!?!

So today I’m gonna be talking something very dear to me… Yes, that very dear thing is known as Zettai Ryouiki or in english, Absolute Territory. Some of you may ask: “Hey CardOtaku! What’s Absolute Territory?!” and here’s my reply.

The Absolute Territory is the area between the skirt and the stocking in which the leg is exposed. Better yet let me show you a visual example 😉

As seen above, there are various grades of absolute territory, but only grades B onwards is truly considered to be Zettai Ryouki and personally speaking grades C downwards isn’t really “exciting” enough (if you know what I mean 😉 )

Anyway! The reason why I’m bringing this up is because my buddy Nerd.Canvas (which should be posting after Sword Art Online finishes) recently found an interest in Zettai Ryouiki and I realized that not EVERYONE is as interested in it as I am. At first, we thought that most men would like things like these, but I guess we were wrong.

In anime, Zettai Ryouiki  is constantly shown and it appeals to a large population of Otakus. Characters such as Rin Tohsaka, Hatsune Miku, Hitagi Senjougahara and Louise de la Vallière are just some of the popular characters that exhibit the wonders of Zettai Ryouiki.

In real life, Zettai Ryouiki is not as commonly seen, but when you do encounter such a phenomenon you can’t help but to keep your eyes on those legs (as perverted as that may sound XD ). In Hong Kong, you don’t normally usually see Zettai Ryouiki, but it’s more prevalent in winter time and of course if you really want to see it… Drop by your nearest maid cafe and I’m sure at least one or two of the maids with expose her Zettai Ryouiki 🙂

Well! That’s all for today guys! Keep your eyes out for Zettai Ryouiki because if you do… You’ll be in for a treat! XD


Favorite Procrastination Music: Unhappy Refrain

So, I actually have a lot of work to do during this hell week (midterms) BUT in order to have more viewers (¬ *∆* )/ the stats are dropping!!!) I’ve decided to post more often and put a more diverse range of shiz up on this blog…

So whenever I try to put myself into concentration, the first thing i do is close and Facebook and switch on itunes (probably just like many of us?) One of my favorite albums to loop and loop is (though im a super fan of Len and his Hot Cocoa ~<3) Wowaka’s first full album Unhappy Refrain. Whats good about is that it has a good balance of extremely quick~steamrolling songs and slower streamlined ones. They are also high enough and with enough contrast to keep me awake late at night (or morning)…. The rhythm in the songs always remind me to get back to work whenever I compulsively press command + T every so often. The whole album (with all its remixes) is a over an hour, so instead of checking my Lumina, I can pace myself by the work I still have to do ~~ What’s your favorite procrastination album!

heres the hot cocoa song~ though honestly its musical quality is meh.. its its kinda annoying… for an alarm though it will surely wake you up…


– Len Canvas