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HEYOOOO!!!!! Holy crap! It’s been over a month since the last post and ya… We’ve been pretty busy *cough* (lazy) ever since summer began, but being the “leader” here at Void.Canvas I believe it is my responsibility to start writing again and so here I am!!! 😀

Soooo… I’ve seen quite a few “old” animes lately and I actually just finished re-watching Cowboy Bebop yesterday. However, I really want to talk about the Fate series today because I feel that there are several things that I should talk about. For those of you who don’t know, the Fate series (Fate/Zero n Fate/Stay Night are the animes that are released for this series so far) is about something called the “Holy Grail War” in which 7 masters are chosen and they summon their servants to fight for the Holy Grail which is said to grant any wish. Now, that’s just a VERY brief summary  of what it’s about and I really encourage you to watch Fate Stay Night, but in my opinion I think that Fate/Zero is the true master piece in the series. Even though the series isn’t finished yet, I can personally connect to the characters Fate/Zero more and I think the overall story is better and more enticing. Both of the series have the same classes of servants and they technically have the same “names”, but it really changed my view on all the characters.

For example… In Fate Stay Night my servant rankings look a little something like this:

– Saber

– Archer

– Assassin

– Rider

– Lancer

– Caster

– Berserker

BUTTTT in Fate/Zero it goes something like this:

– Berserker

– Saber

– Lancer

– Archer

– Rider

– Caster

– Assassin

Fate/Zero just did an overall better job and made unimportant characters seem more important and loveable while in Fate/Stay Night the characters that didn’t get enough screen time were extremely downplayed and easily forgotten. However, I haven’t really played the game for Fate/Stay Night yet so I will probably get more background information on the characters in Fate/Stay Night after… But that’s for another post!

WELL… ONTO ANOTHER TOPIC! It’s summer so you can’t really blame us lazy people *cough* Jampo… To not post anything and I will try to post a frequently as possible, but I am currently working on a few side projects so that make cut into my time to post. However, let me tell you that I’m currently trying to write my own “light novel” kind of thing, but it’s obviously gonna be full of errors and unprofessional XD I only do it for fun and as you can see… My writing isn’t very good >_< Anyway, I’ll be sure to show you guys once I have a final draft of it and yeahhhh… That’s it for today! 🙂

(Here’s a picture of Saber! Now go away!)

FATE / Prototype ART~

Saber was originally designed as a male character, now that would be not as interesting wouldn’t it~
Fate Prototype is a 12 minute OVA of a Holy grail war, which has a slight different feel from Fate/Stay. Well, Gilgamesh is still attached to saber ….. (O.O)>. ANYWAY, trying to find the source i got the images from. Help me out wit a comment if you know!