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CardOtaku Goes To Japan for Vanguard WGP!

Hey guys! So as some of you might know… I’ll be going to Japan again for worlds!

I haven’t really been feeling nervous about it up until now. I keep thinking in my mind that this is a once in a life time chance and once I mess up… It’s all over >_<! Now, I know there may be some more chances up in the future, but that’s really not guaranteed. For those of you who are lost, I won the WGP for Vanguard in Hong Kong and so I get to represent Hong Kong and go to Japan! Now I know this may not seem like a big deal for some people, but for me this is one of my greatest achievements so far >_<. I felt a certain type of joy I’ve never felt before I won in HK.

The main concern right now is me messing up in Japan because even back in Hong Kong, I made a bunch of mistakes because my hands were trembling and I couldn’t think straight! Also, I had incredible luck in the last tournament and that was pretty much what won me the tournament because without it I would have been out-skilled by MANY MANY players! >_<

That’s enough of me panicking >_<… I’ll see you guys soon! Hopefully the other guys at Void.Canvas will entertain you while I’m away!

Bye guys! 🙂




Hello Everyone CardOtaku here!

Today we’re gonna take a break from the mid-season reviews and talk about something a bit more random…? O.O?

Sure! Let’s talk about figures n other collectables! I, CardOtaku, am addicted to collecting things (Mostly anime related things). What kinda things do I collect? Well… I collect things like cards (duh!), figures, wall scrolls, posters and a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t really matter. What I really want to know is what kind of things do you collect? It doesn’t really have to be anime related!

Now, lets talk about how I go into collecting things… (Yayyyyyy story time! :3)

When I was a toddler, I really liked to play with action figures and so did all the other boys in my school (though I think most of us liked to play with action figures at one point >_>).  So, I usually begged PapaCard and MamaCard to buy me action figures. As time went on, I got bored with my actions and they kind of just disappeared from my life. PapaCard and MamaCard got so annoyed that I abandoned my old toys after playing with them for a short period of time that they decided to find me something that will last a “little” longer. They talked to my friends parents and they came up with the idea of buying me Pokemon cards because at that time they were cheap and “coooool”, but I’ll tell ya now… It was a BAAAAAAAD mistake. I really loved my Pokemon cards even if I didn’t know how to play with them I would spend a lot of time just looking at them for no apparent reason (Yeah… I was THAT lame! Actually, now that I think about it… I still do that! Just not with Pokemon cards O.O…Crap…).  Back on topic, I started to collect other cards after I learned about their existence like Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Duel Masters. I would just spend SO much money buying these things. As I grew older, I got a bit more money and with it I would start to buy other things like figures and models. This kept building up and I started to collect more and more things because I felt a certain kind of unexplainable happiness when I have a set of something or when I could obtain the characters I knew and loved. The funny part is that these figures and models weren’t too much different from those action figures I played with as a kid (I played with Gundam action figures back then that would probably cost a fortune now… How naive I was ._.).

WELL ANYWAY… TLDR: When I was I kid I played with Pokemon cards and it sort of developed into an addiction for collecting things. 🙂

YEAH… Today’s post was kind of boring, but I just felt like sharing it after a LOOOOONG day at school T_T.

Question of the Week: What kinds of things do you collect?! 

I leave you with a picture of my room…

Mid-Season Review! Starting with CardOtaku! :DDD

Hey everybody! CardOtaku here!

Recently, as you’ve probably seen… I lack motivation to post more often than I should, but that changes today (hopefully)! My good friend TL has re-sparked my motivation to post and came up with some very interesting things to write about.

First up! The members of Void.Canvas will be writing some mid-season reviews of animes that are currently airing and we will each give our opinions on them! So lets begin!

This anime really interested me when it first came out because due to various factors! First, it is written by Gen Urobuchi, the author of Fate/Zero and Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika. For those of you who don’t know those two are some of my favorite anime and so I have some very high hopes for this anime. Secondly, the art style for this anime is the same as that of Katekyo Hitman! Reborn! which maybe a good or bad thing depending on your personal preference. Now, originally the anime started off quite slowly and the characters in the anime don’t really appeal to me. However, after the watching the recent episodes this show has again interested me. 🙂 (Also… I’m LOVING it’s ending theme! Egoist ftw! XD)

Art: 8/10
Animation: 9/10
Characters: 8.5/10
Story: 8/10
Music: 8/10

Psycho-Pass Mid-Term Evaluation: 8/10

K is an anime that is very “fan-serviced” based in my opinion and it gives eye-candy to both it’s male and female audiences. However, for some people that may be a huge turn-off. For example, I always get goosebumps whenever Shiro (the main character), blushes infront of Kuroh (a pretty boy featured in K). However, I must give huge props to animation that is present in K because it’s probably one of the only things that’s keeping me interested in this anime. However, like Psycho-Pass, the recent episodes are starting to become more interesting, but still not quite up to what I was expecting. 😦

Art: 8/10
Animation: 9/10
Characters: 6/10
Story: 7/10
Music: 7/10

K Mid-Season Evaluation: 7/10

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Ah yes! Chuu2 is probably one of my favorites this year and I can list a number of very good reasons why. First, this anime is full of cute characters that have K-On like art. Second, the art and animation is top notch. Third, the main cast of characters are different enough that their interactions are interesting to watch every episode. These are only a few points that I will make, but after watching the newest episode, I feel that the anime will change in direction and move closer to the relationship between the two main characters. I hope this anime doesn’t disappoint me because I really like it. XD

Art: 8.5/10
Animation: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Story: 8/10

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shita! Mid-Season evaluation: 8.5/10

This anime has a lot of mixed reactions from my group of friends because many netizens are saying how bad the game was and how it doesn’t really stand up against it’s predecessor Steins;Gate. In all honesty, I loved Steins;Gate because I walked in to watch it without a very high expectation due to Chaos;Head being Steins;Gate’s predecessor. However, after being amazed by Steins;Gate I unknowingly walked into Robotics;Note with a high expectation. I try not to be too biased against Robotics;Note and just watch it for what it is and not what came before it. Now, getting back on topic, Robotics;Note features a cast of characters that are interesting to watch, but the more interesting character in the series are the minor characters because to me the two leading characters seem to generic. As of episode 7, Robotics;Note threw in a few cheap shots that gives us some very important information, but is interrupted by ongoing events which kind of “movie trailers” us into continuing to watch the anime. I don’t really think it’s a bad thing, but it’s one of the worse parts of watching ongoing anime because we wont ever know the answers until they air the episode. >_<

Art: 8/10
Animation: 8.5/10
Characters: 8.5/10
Story: 8/10
Music: 8/10

Robotics;Note Mid-Season Evaluation: 8.25/10

Keep in mid that all these ratings n’ what not is my own opinion and you do not have to agree with me >_<
Next, we will have Jampopo write about the anime of his choice this season and his mid-season evaluations!


CardOtaku here! :D

Hello everyone! 😀

Welcome to the Void.Canvas!
This is where my buddies and I have nothing better to do so we just post some random things we find amusing or things that we have made ourselves.

I go by the name of CardOtaku 😛
like my name suggests… I love card games and anime related things XD

well then… Lemme tell you a a bit about myself XD

Age: 18

Location: Somewhere on earth (I’m always on the move)

Occupation: Student XD

Interests: Graphic Design, Video Games, Card Games, Watch Anime, Read Manga (typical Otaku)

Favorite Animes: Steins;Gate, Code Geass, Darker than Black, Full Metal Alchemist, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Mawaru PeguinDrum

Favorite Manga: The Breaker, Cage of Eden, Medaka Box

Favorite Characters: Hatsune Miku, Misogi Kumagawa, Kurisu Makise, Kira Yamato, Lacus Clyne, Izaya Orihara 😛

Favorite Songs: My Dearest (Supercell), Toki Tsukasadoru Juuni no Meiyaku (Yui Sakakibara), kimi no shira nai monogatari (Supercell), and a lot of vocaloid stuff :P, but my favorite band is probably Supercell XD

WELLLL THEN! I hope you guys enjoy your stay! ^_^

you can also visit me at: