Category Archives: recent

ARTNERD Jumbletalk: Nekomogatari (Kuro)

**Discusses Nekomonogatari in terms of  art/graphics  only**

What a start of the year! Although we could only catch less than 5 seconds of Senjougahara’s back, these 4 episodes sure is my kind of fan-service: the pornographic 5-point distortion overlay on the one point perspective, semi-realistic atmosphere effects, the interchanging rendering style of the characters, the lovely flat panty-flash of solid color typography…. *kneel and bow*

It’s clear how much effort they placed in keeping their quality up to their own standard –and they did with extra surprises. Instead of showing off their fancy CG and $$$ spending artwork (did you see those feathers?) they weren’t afraid of slapping on their familiar black and white silhouettes. Their powerful abuse of point of view and denial is undeniably  fantastic.  Just the intro itself is enough “graphic porn” for a month. Their 3D is mixed in seamlessly with the flat renderings and the even more flat slide show bursts…

What I appreciate the most is their backgrounds. Obviously , they had the ability (and money up till part 4) to make the whole movie with all that scenery porn, but instead you get less than 5 seconds of each of those…  Quite sadistic move on their part (but I like it <3) There’s not a scene where the lighting is half-assed, making even the calmest scenes pleasurable for us who have ADHD in their eyes. All this clash of rendering/ drawing style couldn’t have worked without their carefully palette choice and alternating schemes. It almost spurs jealously in my worthless pride as a self-claimed artist… \(T^T)/. They still kept their graphic gradient foregrounds and figure suggestion, making neko~ very consistent (yet not boring) part of the series.

I’m very tempted to talk about neko~ ( and the blood-letting fanservice)  but I’m hope one of us would do so instead some other time…. From this point on im judge anime this season from a scale of 1 to  neko~ (though they’re probably not art related what-so-ever.)

Now I shall fly back to the land of gradients, hard lines, and bad headaches ❤
Len.Canvas (bursto outo!)


BAHHH!!!!! SO… It’s that time of year again… (No, not Christmas…)

EXAM WEEK! I don’t know why, but I NEVER felt anything until maybe a week before exams started… I am starting to  get really angsty and have been swearing at almost EVERYTHING I see. BAHHH!!!! I guess I’m sort of writing this article today to let out some stress –and it does. 😛

Just yesterday, my computer started freezing up and I ALMOST smashed it onto the floor, but then my brain started to talk to me and said “BRO! DON’T! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” I listened to it, took a moment to think and put the computer down! That was pretty helpful…

Well anyway… I know I’m not the only one out there, so to all the other exam takers: I salute you! Good luck everyone! ^_^d

P.S. Yes… I know we said we were going to post more frequently, but most of the Void.Canvas crew are also feeling super angsty at the moment 😛 Sorry for the wait!


Hello Len Canvas Here

As demanded by our all mighty Wing Commander CardOtaku, I, Cadet Len Canvas, will entertain you a bit with me and my lovely self-yap. I haven’t been doing much anime / manga lately so while CardOtaku dances around joyously with those all loving tentacles~~~~ I’ll be reporting back at home. (^ ^)>

I’ve been fidgetting with my vanguard deck. (especally cuz yugayhou has no hope) Currently, its my OTT deck~ which honestly is not very competitive. I sometimes wish i had EYE power

(/ -)/~~~~~~~~~~ PSSYYYCOOLLIAAHH

like Aichi does. I don’t even have to see how each game ends, i just want flashy eyes so people go “nani?!”

Still, I simply can’t let myself give up on my fableds (yes, yugioh).

Instead of playing, I started drawing each fabled card that I use. This is how kushano looks like now. When I can’t stand it’s incompleteness , ill show you guys a more developed version…


(still cant get the face right)

Mission Complete. Cadet Canvas. Signing Out~ ( ><)>

MIKU 39’s Giving Day!

My Gawd why does it have to be now?!!!! When I have midterms! GAH. anywhos the live is during class time anyways.. but if i find a link (for free) ill tell you. niconicolive.. i heard has it.. BUT ill just settle with youtube later… ill keep you posted. For now check out… Its a site which made youtube videos of voicaloid music much more fun to acess~ cheers to midterms! horra academia! All hail Britainia!


– Len Canvas

Claymore 124 on Mangahere??

Hey, I was doing my dialy manga update check and “claymore 124” came up. It appears that the scan is real but the subs are ridiculous ~ I’ll do research on if its legit. but hell its funny… the bad sex joke and rifting off dragonball Z on first page~~ LOL

I checked the chinese translation and it has the subs have nothing in common. There people in mangahere were getting creative with their riffs, and ppl posted it on other manga reading sites (lol). I guess its another of those censor shiz that noblesse was doing with the Korean censorship bill in protection of children (cept Noblesse more obviously?)

Check what mangahere did HERE

If you can chinese


Mangareader has it right btw. so if you’re using anything else. USE MANGAREADER.NET