Category Archives: Randomness

Going Deep with CardOtaku ;) – NO SHAME NO GAME!

Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here so … Here is a little something I was thinking about 😛
A couple of weeks back, I was talking to someone who was not very confident in being himself and often didn’t like telling people what his hobbies were (playing card games, watching anime and the list goes on). I, personally, also had this phase in my life and although I can’t say I’ve fully grown out of it, I can say that I am confident enough in telling my peers and my parents. Originally, I wasn’t very proud of myself of being an “otaku” though I can’t same I’m exactly “proud” of being one know I can say that I have come to terms with myself and learned to live and love this part of my life. 🙂

Back to my friend who wasn’t comfortable with being himself, he said that he doesn’t want to tell his peers about his love for card games and anime because he thinks that his peers will make fun of him. This is where I shared a similar experience, but as I grew older I’ve learned that friends who make fun of your hobbies and claim that you are not “cool” just because you don’t conform with them aren’t exactly fit to be your friends in the first place. I’ve come to find that friends are people who you feel comfortable around and people who don’t really care too much about what you do and just accept you for who you are. Of course, it would be even better if those friends share the same hobbies as you, but one can’t ask for everything. 😛
So the TLDR for this post is…

Ditch those “friends” of yours who don’t take your interests into consideration and find some new friends that you can genuinely talk to and feel comfortable around! Most importantly, don’t be ashamed of being who you are! Trust me… It helps a lot in the long run! 😉

Sorry for this sort of out of place post, but I feel like a lot of other people experience this problem, especially those living on west side of the planet!



BAHHH!!!!! SO… It’s that time of year again… (No, not Christmas…)

EXAM WEEK! I don’t know why, but I NEVER felt anything until maybe a week before exams started… I am starting to  get really angsty and have been swearing at almost EVERYTHING I see. BAHHH!!!! I guess I’m sort of writing this article today to let out some stress –and it does. 😛

Just yesterday, my computer started freezing up and I ALMOST smashed it onto the floor, but then my brain started to talk to me and said “BRO! DON’T! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” I listened to it, took a moment to think and put the computer down! That was pretty helpful…

Well anyway… I know I’m not the only one out there, so to all the other exam takers: I salute you! Good luck everyone! ^_^d

P.S. Yes… I know we said we were going to post more frequently, but most of the Void.Canvas crew are also feeling super angsty at the moment 😛 Sorry for the wait!


CardOtaku Goes To Japan for Vanguard WGP!

Hey guys! So as some of you might know… I’ll be going to Japan again for worlds!

I haven’t really been feeling nervous about it up until now. I keep thinking in my mind that this is a once in a life time chance and once I mess up… It’s all over >_<! Now, I know there may be some more chances up in the future, but that’s really not guaranteed. For those of you who are lost, I won the WGP for Vanguard in Hong Kong and so I get to represent Hong Kong and go to Japan! Now I know this may not seem like a big deal for some people, but for me this is one of my greatest achievements so far >_<. I felt a certain type of joy I’ve never felt before I won in HK.

The main concern right now is me messing up in Japan because even back in Hong Kong, I made a bunch of mistakes because my hands were trembling and I couldn’t think straight! Also, I had incredible luck in the last tournament and that was pretty much what won me the tournament because without it I would have been out-skilled by MANY MANY players! >_<

That’s enough of me panicking >_<… I’ll see you guys soon! Hopefully the other guys at Void.Canvas will entertain you while I’m away!

Bye guys! 🙂




Hello Everyone CardOtaku here!

Today we’re gonna take a break from the mid-season reviews and talk about something a bit more random…? O.O?

Sure! Let’s talk about figures n other collectables! I, CardOtaku, am addicted to collecting things (Mostly anime related things). What kinda things do I collect? Well… I collect things like cards (duh!), figures, wall scrolls, posters and a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t really matter. What I really want to know is what kind of things do you collect? It doesn’t really have to be anime related!

Now, lets talk about how I go into collecting things… (Yayyyyyy story time! :3)

When I was a toddler, I really liked to play with action figures and so did all the other boys in my school (though I think most of us liked to play with action figures at one point >_>).  So, I usually begged PapaCard and MamaCard to buy me action figures. As time went on, I got bored with my actions and they kind of just disappeared from my life. PapaCard and MamaCard got so annoyed that I abandoned my old toys after playing with them for a short period of time that they decided to find me something that will last a “little” longer. They talked to my friends parents and they came up with the idea of buying me Pokemon cards because at that time they were cheap and “coooool”, but I’ll tell ya now… It was a BAAAAAAAD mistake. I really loved my Pokemon cards even if I didn’t know how to play with them I would spend a lot of time just looking at them for no apparent reason (Yeah… I was THAT lame! Actually, now that I think about it… I still do that! Just not with Pokemon cards O.O…Crap…).  Back on topic, I started to collect other cards after I learned about their existence like Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Duel Masters. I would just spend SO much money buying these things. As I grew older, I got a bit more money and with it I would start to buy other things like figures and models. This kept building up and I started to collect more and more things because I felt a certain kind of unexplainable happiness when I have a set of something or when I could obtain the characters I knew and loved. The funny part is that these figures and models weren’t too much different from those action figures I played with as a kid (I played with Gundam action figures back then that would probably cost a fortune now… How naive I was ._.).

WELL ANYWAY… TLDR: When I was I kid I played with Pokemon cards and it sort of developed into an addiction for collecting things. 🙂

YEAH… Today’s post was kind of boring, but I just felt like sharing it after a LOOOOONG day at school T_T.

Question of the Week: What kinds of things do you collect?! 

I leave you with a picture of my room…

Sorry, Midterms! — Anime Note: reaction to the opposite sex

In the break, I said posted out a list of anime I was going to watch during the sping break week. Sadly, I am not finished with the list, but… Now I have more material!
I love breaking down anime and give myself the occasional pat on the back for predicting exactly what is going to happen next. (>,<) Out of coincidence I first watched Mayo Chiki! (more interesting one) then now on Working! (not so interesting). Both aren’t especially exciting or face-paced, just because they want to give a slice-of-life feel, demo   but they both have one thing in common -characters with volatile reactions towards the opposite sex. That was really what made me keep watching Working! The anti-climatic humor brought from these repetitive scenes—

Working! is a recently completed anime of basically the protagonist working in a family diner, where he meets interesting (not so interesting in anime terms) people

Mayo Chiki! is about the main character and his relation with his school idol- a butler who serves the principle’s daughter who slaps the nurse with wads of money…. 😀

18+ note: most likely because the origins of Mayo Chiki!, it has one 10 second scene of stills that might resemble what you find *ehem* in *ehem* eroge *cough*cough*.



Claymore 124 on Mangahere??

Hey, I was doing my dialy manga update check and “claymore 124” came up. It appears that the scan is real but the subs are ridiculous ~ I’ll do research on if its legit. but hell its funny… the bad sex joke and rifting off dragonball Z on first page~~ LOL

I checked the chinese translation and it has the subs have nothing in common. There people in mangahere were getting creative with their riffs, and ppl posted it on other manga reading sites (lol). I guess its another of those censor shiz that noblesse was doing with the Korean censorship bill in protection of children (cept Noblesse more obviously?)

Check what mangahere did HERE

If you can chinese


Mangareader has it right btw. so if you’re using anything else. USE MANGAREADER.NET

Manga Reading Blog 1: Gantz

So I started to read this manga called Gantz, a highly skilled rendering, (fully rendered nudity), with perspective and realistic style, illustrated by Hiroya Oku of Young Jump -works including Zero One and the All famous HEN for the rather… interesting effect on the upper body. If you read the manga, he’ll talk about it.

The story: well, its about this “reality TV-show” (in quote because the suggestion changes as we go along) where people who died / almost died (the manga was unclear throughout a long run of it) is put in this room where random people are gathered. One of this incidence, a wild bishoujo appears (+ extremely enlarged breasts). The story itself is not sexual imo. Well anyways, lots a people “die” in this manga so be prepared. This manga has great backgrounds. In chapter 10, Hiroya Oku describes how he does all this incredibly realistic manga. The methods are obviously not what you expect and certainly not many manga fit this “factory” style (factory: famous Pop art artists like Andy Warhol call his studio a “factory” as his emphasis was the beauty of the normal everyday life). At first I sorta taken it as a joke but the (rather stiff) postures tell me otherwise. The manga gets more sophisticated later, so bear with the beginning. It is quite violent, both sexually and physically. The nudity cover of every chapter disturbs and there are implied sex every so often. If you’re not into it, like me, then make sure you skip the first page and you’ll do fine.

Random spoiler: Angelina J.’s Tomb Raider lookalike appears!

TROLL! If you want to see her, you gotta read it! im not telling you what chapter it is~ you’ll get rewarded later, if you like her that is… OH ya. SHE DIES.

KAY SO NOW IM CAUGHT UP. the artwork isn’t really art anymore and the 3D modeling is now to the point of disturbing, and the aileen arc is i think soon to close…. The story kept me reading though. Aesthetically, however, it no longer appeals to me. Half the time probably, the illustrator no longer needs to draw. The uniformity and the 3D model shading is just plain ugly.
BUT, again the story is quite interesting, though i guess it gets quite battle-manga-mecha-ish 😛

ALICE IN WONDERLAND <3 (mar 3 edit)

I recently finished catching up with Are you Alice?, a rendition of the Alice story where Alice is a guy~  well the 89th alice that is…

One would think since Alice in Wonderland is such a well known story, more manga/anime would be about it…
Heres the ones i know:

Kurshitsuji had an ova where Ciel was alice ❤ the anime (complete) / manga (ongoing) is nothing related but i just have to share~
Regarding fan art, there isn’t just cool ones I like since most are yaoi from the second season (nope not going to spoil it). I was sorta disappointed with Sub’s character but oh well…

isn't Ciel so kawaii~~<3

Pandora Hearts: the whole thin is about alice and the B. Rabbit which is a girl but a dude but not really (did i spoil something… well suck on it >:D) It’s not yaoi. but i just picked an offical image that looks like it would be mahahahaha~ feel evil today.

its a lot more popular wit the male gender group compared to Kuroshitsuji actually~ even though technically Kuroshisuji has more women in it O.O)?

Alice in the Country of Hearts: Never actually read/watched this one. so ill keep you updated on it as soon as i finish reading/watching (in the weekend perhaps?)  Its just some boring shoujo~~ not worth reading! unless you are into typical love-at-first-sight shoujo …

and of course ill have len! <3<3<3

<3<3<3 yep its not friday, but im doing it anyway~~ BOSS!



I’m half way through my reading break and honest to say… I haven’t done ANY work at all! D:
Procrastination is something that MANY people struggle with *cough* Jam_po >_> So I’m still questioning myself as to why I’m writing this post instead of doing my research essay. XD Actually, I thought that giving up anime for 40 days would increase my productivity rate since it’s one of the main reasons I procrastinate, but as soon as I stopped watching anime I started to play games (damn you Dragon’s Nest!) T_T.

So here’s the question for today! What do you do to procrastinate and how do you find the motivation to do work?!

Arakawa Under the Bridge

A friend just introduced me to this odd anime. and I love it!
It begins with the protaganoist as the son of the biggest company with the intellect of a king and the the looks.. of a supposedly pretty boy. ANYWAY. he meets a self-proclaimed Venusian~ highly recommend~ has odd yet interesting humor with even perhaps satirical messages in the background~

Here’s a screenshot:


the anime has two seasons. the beginning starts with artwork you might find resembling Bakemonogatari. The second season is much more carefree than the first~
expect to read the manga after you’re done with the anime (im starting the manga now!)

Be sure to watch what is after the Credits 😀

(the story also has a drama so if your interested check it out)