Category Archives: Music

Anime Openings (CardOtaku’s Top 10)

Hey guyssssss!!! I’m back from Japan (a while ago actually… :/)

And yeahhh for those of you who want to know what I did on my trip I suggest you check out le facebook page here.

ANYWAY! The things I want to talk about today are anime openings and endings!

Now for those of you who don’t know the openings and endings actually take up a huge budget in the creation of the anime. Soooo… If you’ve been skipping out on all the openings and endings then shame on you! 😛 although I suppose I do that myself too. >_<

Anyway! There have been a lot of very interesting anime openings and endings so today I just want to share with you my favorites! 🙂

Lets being with my favorite anime openings shall we?! Most of this list is based on the actually opening theme song but of course the clips from the anime also help enhance its epicness :3

Also, keep in mind that I’m only posting the opening of songs that I have seen so there are probably a lot more that could have been on the list! XD
Anime: Eureka Seven
Song: Sakura by Nirgilis
Anime: Soul Eater
Song: Resonance by T.M. Revolution
Anime: Gundam Seed
Song: Invoke by T.M. Revolution
Anime: Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
Song: Choir Jail by Suzuki Konomi


Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist
Song: Rewrite by Asian Kun Fu Generation



Anime: Gundam 00
Song: Ash Like Snow by The Brilliant Green



Anime: Angel Beats
Song: My Soul, Your Beats! by Lia


Anime: Macross Frontier
Song: Lion by May’n and Megumi Nakajima


Anime: Fate/Zero
Song: Oath Sign by LiSA


Anime: Guilty Crown
Song: My Dearest by Supercell
(No bias! XD I actually really DO love the opening and the song not just because it’s Guilty Crown XD)

Well that’s it for today guys! Stay tuned for my favorite anime ending themes! 🙂 Bye!
Anything you think should be on this list?!
Comment down below!

MIKU 39’s Giving Day!

My Gawd why does it have to be now?!!!! When I have midterms! GAH. anywhos the live is during class time anyways.. but if i find a link (for free) ill tell you. niconicolive.. i heard has it.. BUT ill just settle with youtube later… ill keep you posted. For now check out… Its a site which made youtube videos of voicaloid music much more fun to acess~ cheers to midterms! horra academia! All hail Britainia!


– Len Canvas

Favorite Procrastination Music: Unhappy Refrain

So, I actually have a lot of work to do during this hell week (midterms) BUT in order to have more viewers (¬ *∆* )/ the stats are dropping!!!) I’ve decided to post more often and put a more diverse range of shiz up on this blog…

So whenever I try to put myself into concentration, the first thing i do is close and Facebook and switch on itunes (probably just like many of us?) One of my favorite albums to loop and loop is (though im a super fan of Len and his Hot Cocoa ~<3) Wowaka’s first full album Unhappy Refrain. Whats good about is that it has a good balance of extremely quick~steamrolling songs and slower streamlined ones. They are also high enough and with enough contrast to keep me awake late at night (or morning)…. The rhythm in the songs always remind me to get back to work whenever I compulsively press command + T every so often. The whole album (with all its remixes) is a over an hour, so instead of checking my Lumina, I can pace myself by the work I still have to do ~~ What’s your favorite procrastination album!

heres the hot cocoa song~ though honestly its musical quality is meh.. its its kinda annoying… for an alarm though it will surely wake you up…


– Len Canvas

ALICE IN WONDERLAND <3 (mar 3 edit)

I recently finished catching up with Are you Alice?, a rendition of the Alice story where Alice is a guy~  well the 89th alice that is…

One would think since Alice in Wonderland is such a well known story, more manga/anime would be about it…
Heres the ones i know:

Kurshitsuji had an ova where Ciel was alice ❤ the anime (complete) / manga (ongoing) is nothing related but i just have to share~
Regarding fan art, there isn’t just cool ones I like since most are yaoi from the second season (nope not going to spoil it). I was sorta disappointed with Sub’s character but oh well…

isn't Ciel so kawaii~~<3

Pandora Hearts: the whole thin is about alice and the B. Rabbit which is a girl but a dude but not really (did i spoil something… well suck on it >:D) It’s not yaoi. but i just picked an offical image that looks like it would be mahahahaha~ feel evil today.

its a lot more popular wit the male gender group compared to Kuroshitsuji actually~ even though technically Kuroshisuji has more women in it O.O)?

Alice in the Country of Hearts: Never actually read/watched this one. so ill keep you updated on it as soon as i finish reading/watching (in the weekend perhaps?)  Its just some boring shoujo~~ not worth reading! unless you are into typical love-at-first-sight shoujo …

and of course ill have len! <3<3<3

<3<3<3 yep its not friday, but im doing it anyway~~ BOSS!

pewpewpew music: freetempo

Phew, second post! (yea I know, finally, CardOtaku.) Anyways hope you all are having a great weekend. Today I’m gonna talk about an artist I discovered recently. Freetempo~~~ Now sadly this solo unit is supposedly no longer active (started in 2001), but the artist – Takeshi Hanzawa, is still continuing his works under his own name.

Anyways, freetempo is a nujazz/house/lounge unit that produced quite a number of albums, compilations, mini-albums and such. Freetempo also collaborated with multiple artists/groups such as MONKEY MAJIK, blanc., etc.

Kaaays, now to the music. This song is called “Prelude” from the album “Oriental Quaint & Imagery”. One of my favorite songs. yay.

Wasn’t that quite peaceful? That’s right~~ so I’d suggest you look for more songs on youtube or something, and hopefully buy the songs just to, at the very least, mentally support freetempo!!! (that’s the way to go guise~!!) Even if you DIDN’T like that song, still look around for other songs because freetempo produced many songs that sound very different from each other (kinda like.. experimental, i guess).

So yea, seriously look around and hope you’ll enjoy doing so! I might or might not do this pewpewpew music section regularly, but whatever the case hope you guys enjoy it, and also feel free to suggest some artists!!!!