Category Archives: Life

Going Deep with CardOtaku ;) – NO SHAME NO GAME!

Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here so … Here is a little something I was thinking about 😛
A couple of weeks back, I was talking to someone who was not very confident in being himself and often didn’t like telling people what his hobbies were (playing card games, watching anime and the list goes on). I, personally, also had this phase in my life and although I can’t say I’ve fully grown out of it, I can say that I am confident enough in telling my peers and my parents. Originally, I wasn’t very proud of myself of being an “otaku” though I can’t same I’m exactly “proud” of being one know I can say that I have come to terms with myself and learned to live and love this part of my life. 🙂

Back to my friend who wasn’t comfortable with being himself, he said that he doesn’t want to tell his peers about his love for card games and anime because he thinks that his peers will make fun of him. This is where I shared a similar experience, but as I grew older I’ve learned that friends who make fun of your hobbies and claim that you are not “cool” just because you don’t conform with them aren’t exactly fit to be your friends in the first place. I’ve come to find that friends are people who you feel comfortable around and people who don’t really care too much about what you do and just accept you for who you are. Of course, it would be even better if those friends share the same hobbies as you, but one can’t ask for everything. 😛
So the TLDR for this post is…

Ditch those “friends” of yours who don’t take your interests into consideration and find some new friends that you can genuinely talk to and feel comfortable around! Most importantly, don’t be ashamed of being who you are! Trust me… It helps a lot in the long run! 😉

Sorry for this sort of out of place post, but I feel like a lot of other people experience this problem, especially those living on west side of the planet!



BAHHH!!!!! SO… It’s that time of year again… (No, not Christmas…)

EXAM WEEK! I don’t know why, but I NEVER felt anything until maybe a week before exams started… I am starting to  get really angsty and have been swearing at almost EVERYTHING I see. BAHHH!!!! I guess I’m sort of writing this article today to let out some stress –and it does. 😛

Just yesterday, my computer started freezing up and I ALMOST smashed it onto the floor, but then my brain started to talk to me and said “BRO! DON’T! THAT’S A BAD IDEA!” I listened to it, took a moment to think and put the computer down! That was pretty helpful…

Well anyway… I know I’m not the only one out there, so to all the other exam takers: I salute you! Good luck everyone! ^_^d

P.S. Yes… I know we said we were going to post more frequently, but most of the Void.Canvas crew are also feeling super angsty at the moment 😛 Sorry for the wait!


CardOtaku Goes To Japan for Vanguard WGP!

Hey guys! So as some of you might know… I’ll be going to Japan again for worlds!

I haven’t really been feeling nervous about it up until now. I keep thinking in my mind that this is a once in a life time chance and once I mess up… It’s all over >_<! Now, I know there may be some more chances up in the future, but that’s really not guaranteed. For those of you who are lost, I won the WGP for Vanguard in Hong Kong and so I get to represent Hong Kong and go to Japan! Now I know this may not seem like a big deal for some people, but for me this is one of my greatest achievements so far >_<. I felt a certain type of joy I’ve never felt before I won in HK.

The main concern right now is me messing up in Japan because even back in Hong Kong, I made a bunch of mistakes because my hands were trembling and I couldn’t think straight! Also, I had incredible luck in the last tournament and that was pretty much what won me the tournament because without it I would have been out-skilled by MANY MANY players! >_<

That’s enough of me panicking >_<… I’ll see you guys soon! Hopefully the other guys at Void.Canvas will entertain you while I’m away!

Bye guys! 🙂




Hello Everyone CardOtaku here!

Today we’re gonna take a break from the mid-season reviews and talk about something a bit more random…? O.O?

Sure! Let’s talk about figures n other collectables! I, CardOtaku, am addicted to collecting things (Mostly anime related things). What kinda things do I collect? Well… I collect things like cards (duh!), figures, wall scrolls, posters and a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t really matter. What I really want to know is what kind of things do you collect? It doesn’t really have to be anime related!

Now, lets talk about how I go into collecting things… (Yayyyyyy story time! :3)

When I was a toddler, I really liked to play with action figures and so did all the other boys in my school (though I think most of us liked to play with action figures at one point >_>).  So, I usually begged PapaCard and MamaCard to buy me action figures. As time went on, I got bored with my actions and they kind of just disappeared from my life. PapaCard and MamaCard got so annoyed that I abandoned my old toys after playing with them for a short period of time that they decided to find me something that will last a “little” longer. They talked to my friends parents and they came up with the idea of buying me Pokemon cards because at that time they were cheap and “coooool”, but I’ll tell ya now… It was a BAAAAAAAD mistake. I really loved my Pokemon cards even if I didn’t know how to play with them I would spend a lot of time just looking at them for no apparent reason (Yeah… I was THAT lame! Actually, now that I think about it… I still do that! Just not with Pokemon cards O.O…Crap…).  Back on topic, I started to collect other cards after I learned about their existence like Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Duel Masters. I would just spend SO much money buying these things. As I grew older, I got a bit more money and with it I would start to buy other things like figures and models. This kept building up and I started to collect more and more things because I felt a certain kind of unexplainable happiness when I have a set of something or when I could obtain the characters I knew and loved. The funny part is that these figures and models weren’t too much different from those action figures I played with as a kid (I played with Gundam action figures back then that would probably cost a fortune now… How naive I was ._.).

WELL ANYWAY… TLDR: When I was I kid I played with Pokemon cards and it sort of developed into an addiction for collecting things. 🙂

YEAH… Today’s post was kind of boring, but I just felt like sharing it after a LOOOOONG day at school T_T.

Question of the Week: What kinds of things do you collect?! 

I leave you with a picture of my room…


Heyoo!!! SUP EVERYBODY?!?!?!?!

So today I’m gonna be talking something very dear to me… Yes, that very dear thing is known as Zettai Ryouiki or in english, Absolute Territory. Some of you may ask: “Hey CardOtaku! What’s Absolute Territory?!” and here’s my reply.

The Absolute Territory is the area between the skirt and the stocking in which the leg is exposed. Better yet let me show you a visual example 😉

As seen above, there are various grades of absolute territory, but only grades B onwards is truly considered to be Zettai Ryouki and personally speaking grades C downwards isn’t really “exciting” enough (if you know what I mean 😉 )

Anyway! The reason why I’m bringing this up is because my buddy Nerd.Canvas (which should be posting after Sword Art Online finishes) recently found an interest in Zettai Ryouiki and I realized that not EVERYONE is as interested in it as I am. At first, we thought that most men would like things like these, but I guess we were wrong.

In anime, Zettai Ryouiki  is constantly shown and it appeals to a large population of Otakus. Characters such as Rin Tohsaka, Hatsune Miku, Hitagi Senjougahara and Louise de la Vallière are just some of the popular characters that exhibit the wonders of Zettai Ryouiki.

In real life, Zettai Ryouiki is not as commonly seen, but when you do encounter such a phenomenon you can’t help but to keep your eyes on those legs (as perverted as that may sound XD ). In Hong Kong, you don’t normally usually see Zettai Ryouiki, but it’s more prevalent in winter time and of course if you really want to see it… Drop by your nearest maid cafe and I’m sure at least one or two of the maids with expose her Zettai Ryouiki 🙂

Well! That’s all for today guys! Keep your eyes out for Zettai Ryouiki because if you do… You’ll be in for a treat! XD



HELLO EVERYONE! Soooo… I’m back from the break and now I realized that I’m screwed! 😀
Why?! Because I have 2 mid-terms and 1 paper due this week! YAY!!!! So here’s a lesson for everyone! Procrastination is bad!! That’s it for today’s post!

JK trolling 😛 Despite not getting much work done during my reading break I have trust in my uhhhh… *cough* Well anyway. The ironic thing is that I was watching Baka to Test to Shōkanjū (Yes I failed the anime portion of lent 😦 ) yesterday and here I am… Writing a post right before the mid-term! Think of this as a … will 😛

ANYWAY, The story of Baka to Test to Shōkanjū can pretty much summarize the story of my life (minus the harem). It’s about a boy who is apparently the king of idiots and he is placed in class F (the lowest class you can get into) and there he meets other idiots and together the fight the higher level classes using their summoned beings (Kinda like Pokemon). However, the most interesting things about this anime are the situations they are put in and the crude humor that is present in every episode! Occasionally, there are also references to other anime such as Gundam Seed and Evangelion!  I highly recommend this anime and it is probably one of the funniest animes I have seen! XD

Here are the question of the day! What are some bad experiences you have with exams?  Which is the funniest anime you have seen?!

Well… That’s it for today! See yaaaa! Time to study!


Len Canvas Says: The anime is much more worthwhile than the manga! Please do not waste you precious time reading it (like he did) !!!