Category Archives: GUNDAM

[OD] Which Gundam Is THEE Best?

For a long time, for around 10 years I have been watching my favorite mech series, GUNDAM. My Gundam story starts from Gundam Wing where I was around 12 when I watched it. It was my first Gundam series and it truly amazed me. After a couple of years, I watched the finished Gundam OO in around 2 days (both seasons) which kinda tells how much I was loved OO. I then watch the Seed series and the other series as well.

So, why did I write this brief description? For the ten years I watched various different series and I always talked about anime with my friends. Many Gundam fans probably asked each other this question at least once “which gundam series is the best?” I had countless discussions amongst my friends and even had a debate with them as well.

As the first question to the series “OtakuDebate”, I wanted to ask all the Gundam fans out there, What is your best Gundam series and what do you think is the worst?

What I think the best Gundam series is would be


Despite the downturn of the second season, Gundam OO made me watch anime again. I thought that the character design was amazing. The four main characters all had distinct personalities and traits. I loved how the side characters were not just for filler but all had some part in the series. However the main reason I loved the series would be due to the amazing Mobile Suits. OO had everthing I could ask in terms of variety of suits. It had a sword using suit, transforming suit, tanky armor cannon suit and last of all a sniper. The story was enjoyable, I loved the characters and is why I chose this as my favorite Gundam series.

For my worst series I would have to choose


The reason is pretty simple, I didn’t like the idea of a hand and no weapons. To me the idea didnt fit as a Gundam series and was a bit too dramatic for me.


These are my thoughts and I hope the other members of Void Canvas also answer this question