Category Archives: Anime Review

That’s IT?!

SOOOO… Sorry guys for not posting for over a week, but I’ve had some troubles recently and didn’t really have time to post! >_< Sorry Sorry!

WELL ANYWAY… This week marks the end of two GREAT anime! Guilty Crown and Black Rock Shooter! I would like to say that they were very good endings, but unfortunately I can’t :/… First of all, I had great hopes for Guilty Crown since it has SOOOO much potential, but I felt that they had rushed the ending a tad bit. I had no problems with the ending, but I just thought that I could have been SOOOO much better!!!! Whyyyyyy!! T_T So unfortunately… Guilty Crown didn’t have that ending that would put itself next to Code Geass. However I will still give it an 8.7/10 which is not a bad score 🙂

SECONDLY, we have Black Rock Shooter! The series that passed all my expectations! The roles of BRS and Guilty Crown have completely switched! I was pretty happy with BRS’ ending and I feel that it wasn’t rushed despite the fact that the series only ran 8 episodes!!! Pretty amazing right?! I KNOW! In the end, I’ll give the Black Rock Shooter Anime a 9/10 🙂 So… Here’s a lesson to everyone! Except the least expected 😛

That pretty much sums it up for today… I know I know… I should have posted something more “grand” for not posting in weeks BUT you can’t blame me kay? 😉

Well to make up for it… Here’s a Black Rock Shooter wallpaper! *Runs away*

Pervy Girls?! D:

Hello Hello!

I’m here today to talk about a very… “weird” anime called B Gata H Kei. Well… To be honest I wasn’t very interested in this manga in the beginning because I thought it would just be some perv thing with no story, but my friend was telling me more about this anime and I began to look into it. This anime was originally a 4-panelled manga that focuses on a girl named Yamada and her perverse mind.

Yamada is a very pervy girl that hopes to have 100 “F**k buddies by the end of high school” but the only reason she’s not doing so is because she’s embarrassed to tell people she’s virgin. Now this story seems like its only about pervy stuff, but there are so many lolsy moments in this anime that don’t use perverse humor.

Now I don’t really like the art style of this anime and some of the characters seem kind of generic, but this anime is still decent and I’ll give it a 7/10 😛
If you ask me… There are a ton of more humours ecchi manga/anime compared to B Gata H Kei like… To Love-Ru and Baka to Test >_< So I recommend watching those before coming to this one!

THIS BRINGS THE QUESTION. Are there really girls like these in real life? I mean… I’ve seen a lot of shy girls and a lot of slutty girls, but NEVER have I ever met a slutty shy girl! Fascinating isn’t it?! XD (Okay… maybe it’s just me…)

Stay tuned for next time! 😀

The Disappearance of who?

Hello Hello!

Sooooo… yeah… sorry for not posting for a while, but as you can probably see I don’t post very often on weekends >_< gomenasai!

Back on topic! I finally saw “The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya” which was released all the way back in February 2010. My expectations for this movie wasn’t very good because of the huge disappointment of the endless 8 back in the anime. I was right for the first 30 minutes of the movie as it progressed very slowly. HOWEVER, near the end of movie the story started to pick up really fast and it maybe even be confusing at times if you do not remember parts of the anime. So overall, I would give this movie a 7.5 out of 10 due to the slow beginning and me forgetting bits of the anime that were related to the anime. (LOL I KNOW I’M DEDUCTING POINTS CUZ I FORGOT XD)

Well anyway… For those of you who haven’t seen “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya” it’s about a young man named Kyon who meets a girl named Haruhi and then (like in most anime) she and him become friends. She starts a club called the SOS brigade because she loves things like aliens, time travellers and espers. The club brings in unique characters (an alien, a time traveller and an esper XD) And with these 5 characters they begin to participate in club activities! I definitely cannot say that this is one of my favorite anime, but this anime does have some pretty funny parts :)… and some pretty redundant parts ENDLESS EIGHT *COUGH COUGH COUGH*

Why… Black Rock Shooter?!

HOLY CRAPPPPPP!!!! I never thought Black Rock Shooter would have that much depth in terms of story. After watching episode 6 of BRS I can’t officially say it’s in my top 10 🙂

For those of you who live under a rock (JK but seriously… where have u been?!) Black Rock Shooter is about a girl named Kuroi Mato and another girl named Black Rock Shooter who are from two different worlds and for the most part the story takes place in these two worlds. Now Mato starts meeting people in high school and that’s when stuff happens in the other world (DUN DUN DUNN!!!!).

Initially, I was really disappointed that they announced an anime for BRS because I didn’t like how they changed the character design for most characters (especially Dead Master), but when I saw the anime I realized why they did what they did and it was a good decision. However, the main reason why I like the BRS anime over the OVA is because of how dark the story gets! At times this anime really had me going WTF is happening?! Some epic Puella Magi Moments if you ask me. XD (I know I know… No one asked -_-)

Well anyway! That’s it for todayyy 😀 Thanks for reading!

“Another” Sad Story Broooo :(

Hey er’body! 😀
SOOOO… What’s the best thing to do when you’re feeling down?! Watch a scary anime! LOL

Ok maybe not, but last month I was reading a manga called “Another” and at first I was like “dafuq is dis?!” and then I started to read it and then I was all like “OHHH SHIZ!!!!”. You get the point right?! (probably not XD)

Another is a pretty good manga that is good at build suspense and instilling fear into the reader (not that I was scared or anything >_>). So… When I found out there was an anime I almost shat my pants hearing how much scarier it is compared to the anime. However, I wont watch the anime just yet since it’s not finished yet. Like Mirai Nikki (Future Diary), I will wait for the anime to finish before I watch it all in 1 go so I don’t crap my pants too many times! 😀 Sounds like a good plan?! Thought so 😉

RANDOM FUN FACT: “Another” was originally a novel written by Yukito Ayatsuji which was then adapted into a manga and now an anime!

OKAY! For those of you who don’t know, “Another” is about a very popular girl that passed away one day, but one day the class decided to pretend that the girl was there because they were so sad that she died. However, shiz happened at the end of the year when they take the class photo… SHE WAS THERE! Now, the manga/anime/novel takes place 26 years after the incident and follows a 15-year old boy who just transfered to the same school that the girl died in. That’s when he starts to notice strange things happening around him…



HELLO EVERYONE! Soooo… I’m back from the break and now I realized that I’m screwed! 😀
Why?! Because I have 2 mid-terms and 1 paper due this week! YAY!!!! So here’s a lesson for everyone! Procrastination is bad!! That’s it for today’s post!

JK trolling 😛 Despite not getting much work done during my reading break I have trust in my uhhhh… *cough* Well anyway. The ironic thing is that I was watching Baka to Test to Shōkanjū (Yes I failed the anime portion of lent 😦 ) yesterday and here I am… Writing a post right before the mid-term! Think of this as a … will 😛

ANYWAY, The story of Baka to Test to Shōkanjū can pretty much summarize the story of my life (minus the harem). It’s about a boy who is apparently the king of idiots and he is placed in class F (the lowest class you can get into) and there he meets other idiots and together the fight the higher level classes using their summoned beings (Kinda like Pokemon). However, the most interesting things about this anime are the situations they are put in and the crude humor that is present in every episode! Occasionally, there are also references to other anime such as Gundam Seed and Evangelion!  I highly recommend this anime and it is probably one of the funniest animes I have seen! XD

Here are the question of the day! What are some bad experiences you have with exams?  Which is the funniest anime you have seen?!

Well… That’s it for today! See yaaaa! Time to study!


Len Canvas Says: The anime is much more worthwhile than the manga! Please do not waste you precious time reading it (like he did) !!!

Arakawa Under the Bridge

A friend just introduced me to this odd anime. and I love it!
It begins with the protaganoist as the son of the biggest company with the intellect of a king and the the looks.. of a supposedly pretty boy. ANYWAY. he meets a self-proclaimed Venusian~ highly recommend~ has odd yet interesting humor with even perhaps satirical messages in the background~

Here’s a screenshot:


the anime has two seasons. the beginning starts with artwork you might find resembling Bakemonogatari. The second season is much more carefree than the first~
expect to read the manga after you’re done with the anime (im starting the manga now!)

Be sure to watch what is after the Credits 😀

(the story also has a drama so if your interested check it out)

I-I-It’s not like I made this post for you or anything! >////<

SOOOO GUYS! After the depressing posts about death n shiz yesterday… I decided write a post about TSUNDERES!!!! YAY TSUNDERES!!!!!! 😀

WHAT IS A TSUNDERE YOU ASK?! WELLLLLLL… Basically… A tsundere is usually a female anime character that has a “Tsun” side and a “dere” side. “Tsun Tsun” means something along lines of having a cold and blunt personality, while “dere dere” means being all lovey dovey around the characters lover.

Well, some of you may ask “Hey CardOtaku! What does this have anything to do anything?!”

*Smirk* Welllll! Let me tell you! This has everything to do anime! This is almost one of the reasons WHY I watch some anime! Let me show you some examples of some GREAT Tsundere characters!

Yui Kotegawa from To-Love Ru

Aria from Aria no Hidan

Shana from Shakugan no Shana

Now, normally I wouldn’t like loli styled characters like Shana Aria, BUT the reason why I still watch the anime is because they have a strong cast consisting of other characters AND their TSUNDERE personalities! (However, those 3 animes I’ve listed above are not really anything that I recommend.)

BUT THATS NOT ALL!!! There are two other type of Dere’s called Yandere and Kuudere.

An example of a Yandere would be  Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki and an example of a Kuudere would be someone like Hitagi Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari however the latter could be debatable since she’s a self-proclaimed Tsundere.

A Yandere has a psychotic and violent personality while still showing affection towards another character and a Kuudere is a more hardcore version of a Tsundere that is cold, blunt and cynical that doesn’t really care if her lover dies and RARELY shows affection towards the person. However, a Kuudere is actually nice and caring on the inside, but just doesn’t show it. I guess C.C. from Code Geass could also be classified as a Kuuderee . 🙂

Well! That’s it for today’s post! Sorry if it’s a little sloppy, but what can I say… It’s getting late! XD

Anime and Emotions

The death of characters in Anime always brings up different emotions. If it’s a death of an important character that you can really relate to then well sometimes it brings out very unmanly emotions. Sometimes seeing some characters I really care about die makes me cry (Yes, I admit it! I cried watching things like Code Geass and Anohana). There are also times when we WISH desperately for a character to die and we usually get very frustrated when not only do they not die, but continue to do things that pisses us off even more!

But the question I wanna ask is why…? Why do these emotions come out when watching something like anime? Could it be that we could relate to the situations and cry because we can picture ourselves in a similar senario? The people who create these emotional anime really know how to tug on your heart, but it means nothing if you don’t react to the tug (If you know what I mean).

Emotional Anime that I recommend:

5. Clannad

4. Mawaru PenguinDrum

3. Puella Magi Madoka Magica

2. Code Geass

1. Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai


Most Badass Characters

Herrow ER’BODY!

So… Here I am… watching random clips on youtube with my friends debating on which character is the MOST badass… It’s a really hard decision for me since I watch so much anime, but HERE are my opinions on who the most bad ass anime characters are… Let’s see if you can agree with any of them 😛

NUMBER 5: Hibari Kyoya from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! This guy is one of my favorites from Reborn for obvious reasons. He doesn’t really care much about the well beings of others and he also likes to “bite” people to death. XD He uses unique weapons (tonfas) that are not often seen in anime… Awesomeeeeeeee

NUMBER 4: Alucard from Hellsing, puts wimpy ass twilight vampires to shame! Being the the ultimate vampire this guy fights his opponents until they can’t even move anymore before he delivers the finishing blow! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!? okay… it’s kinda cruel, but hey! What can I say? XD

NUMBER 3: Misogi Kumagawa from Medaka Box is on my list for not only being one of the funniest characters I’ve seen, but also being a character that says the most shameless things ever AND still he stays being a bad ass! His power All-Fiction is just too HAX. Also, he created a team called the “Naked Apron Alliance” and that takes some massive balls to do, especially since the whole team consists of girls. 😉 Good on ya Kumagawa-sama!

NUMBER 2: Izaya Orihara from Durarara!! has earn himself a spot on this list for being a sadistic bastard that loves to see people’s suffering. Actually, one of the main reasons I watched DRRR was because of this heartless information broker. I mean… Who in their right mind would kidnap a person and then rescue the person just to see what their reaction was?! CRAZY!

NUMBER 1: Kenshiro from The Fist of North Star is definitely the most bad ass anime character I’ve ever seen! I mean, he freakin blows peoples heads up by poking them… WHO DOES THAT?! Not only that but he has seven scars on his chest… SEVEN!!!! Okay… that’s not that cool, but you get the point right?! KENSHIRO IS A BAMF!

Anyway,I guess that’s all I want to say for today. What do you guys think?! Who would be on your top 5 bad ass list?