Author Archives: itstltl

INFERNO COP – A hilarious show everyone should check out

SUP guys, TL here. With the the winter season upon us, I thought I might put up some of my thoughts on what I’ve seen

Today, I’m here trying to bring to attention an anime that probably went under most people’s radars. This show has actually been airing for three weeks now, and most people have probably never heard of it.

The show I’m going to talk about is Inferno Cop.

Basically what happened is a bunch of people from Studio Gainex, including the director of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (TTGL) and Panty and Stocking, left Gainex, and formed their own studio, and this is the first ‘show’ they’re making.

It’s pretty much a non show. The episodes are 3 minutes long, and the animation is extremely low budget.

So why am I talking about it?
Because it’s probably the most randomly hilarious thing I’ve seen in a long time. I honestly can’t tell if it was INTENTIONALLY hilarious, or just a case of “so bad it actually becomes good”. Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed each episode. From the ridiculous plot, to nonsensical plot twists, to having what seems like two dudes voice every single character (including a female character), this show is just way too funny. It’s one of those things where the parts add up to be way more than the sum. It’s one of those “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M EVEN WATCHING, BUT IT’S PRETTY EPIC” things. It really makes no sense, but I’m enjoying it a lot.

Inferno Cop can be found for free here.  The videos have been translated, just make sure you have captions enabled.

Of course, it’s probably not for everyone, but in any case, they’re all less than 3 minutes each, so the worse that could happen is you’ll waste 9 minutes of your life.

The first episode was a little iffy, but episodes 2 and 3 had my splitting my sides.

So why are YOU not watching Inferno Cop.

A Look at the Winter Season

Hey guys, TL here, with a short piece talking about what I think about the upcoming winter season.

For those that have not seen it yet, here is a chart with a rundown of what’s going to be shown in the upcoming season

Right at first glance, it really stuck out to me that there seemed to be a lot of moe, and as someone who isn’t particularly a fan of moe oriented shows, I have to say that I’m not particularly excited about this upcoming season.

There ARE a few shows that interest me though. Here’s a brief overview of what I will be watching.

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha: As I was reading the short description for each show, one of the few that I didn’t instantly go “NOPE” on was Maoyuu Maou Yuusha. The premise of it sounds interesting, and it’s also based on an LN that a lot of people say is decent. I’ll give this one a shot, hopefully it turns out to be good.

Tomako Market: I realized that I had earlier just said that I wasn’t a fan of moe shows, but Tomako Market is a show by KyoAni, and I have to admit that I do enjoy KyoAni’s works. On the other hand, it is an original show, and apparently last time they tried to make an original show, it sucked, so we’ll see how it goes this time.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai: I watched the first season and found it surprisingly enjoyable. It was stupid – but still pretty fun. Hopefully it continues to be funny and stupid, although I have a feeling there’s going to be some drama/romance in this season.

Chihayafuru S2: I’m watching the first season right now and I think this show is awesome. Can’t wait for season 2.

Sasami-san@Ganbaranai: The description sounds really random, but it’s an anime from SHAFT, and SHAFT usually makes pretty good stuff, so I’ll give this a try

Mangirl: Just kidding. I just put this here to point out the fact that there’s actually an anime called “mangirl”. Talk about most unfortunate name ever.

And there’s the sad reality – I’m only interested in 3 upcoming shows. It’s highly likely though that I’ll pick up more shows, after I get some feedback from the community.

On top of that I’ll be continuing on with the shows I’m following from this season, which are still running on. These shows are Magi, Psycho Pass, Sakurasou no Pet Kanojo, and Little Busters. I’m also going to pick up JoJo, probably, whenever I have the time to catch up.
I’ll probably try to catch Nekomonogatari, but it’s only going to be 4 episodes/movie length-ed.

Third Mid-Season Evaluation with TL

Hey guys, TL here, with a short piece on what I feel about the current season.
Tonari no kaibutsu kun started out this season as my favorite. The first couple of episodes were amazing, and in particular, I thought episodes 1 and 4 were some of the single best episodes I’ve ever seen. The comedy was funny, the romance was cute, and the interaction between the characters indicated progression towards a relationship-driven romance series – by the second episode, the two characters had confessed towards each other, and I honestly thought we were going to get a series about characters ACTUALLY in a relationship, as opposed to the typical romance series where two characters ‘struggle’ to discover their feelings, full of drama and ‘misunderstandings’. I was really excited to see where this series was going…

.. only to be totally disappointed. We’re at episode 9, and slowly but surely, the show has decended into your typical romance: Full of ‘misunderstandings, characters clearly like each other but try to deny it, oscillating between hot and cold. There are still many great things about the show, of course. I’m not too big a fan of Haru, but otherwise I love the characters, and the animation, while not big budget, is great (I love the way they draw the cartoony reaction faces and whatnot). I also like the soundtrack. However, I absolutely cannot conceal my disappointment in this show – The first 4 episodes were glorious, but I cannot deny that it has dropped off significantly from that.


Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, or, as I just call it, chuuni. The best show this sesason. Great animation, great characters, and absolutely hilarious. The show itself has kind of a suzumiya haruhi feel to me (except without kyon) – The first 5 or 6 episodes just plain silliness and pure fun. Of course, inevitably, the show had to turn to a more serious tone. How did it do? Surprisingly, not too bad. The romance seems pretty decent as well – for ONCE no harem or even love triangle. The drama wasn’t too overdone – I did have some trouble believing that a student in high school could realistically have delusions like that, but whatever – it makes for fun situations, so I’ll let it slide.


My feelings towards Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo would be, what I would say, opposite of what I feel towards Tonari no kaibutsu kun. I didn’t like it too much at first, but now it’s grown on me, and I enjoy it quite a bit. The drama and romance, while not spectacular by any means, is alright. Besides dealing in romance, they also deal in other issues like chasing your dreams (and how sometimes they’re not realistic), or dealing with success (and failure), especially in face of failure amongst your peers (or vice versa). Nothing incredibly original or amazing again, but still pretty decent, in my opinion. I think it’s also worth noting that this show is produced by the same studio as Little Busters, but the budget for this show is NOTICEABLY larger. While the latter is filled with still frames, the animation is for this show is, in my opinion, actually pretty amazing. A lot of care is put into detail, and backgrounds look amazing.
The characters are pretty cool across the board, for the most part – I’m not sold on the MC, and I’m not a huge fan of the genki-girl senpai (and I hope the loli imouto never shows up again), but to be honest, even the female main character, who I didn’t like at first, has grown on me considerably. Best character in the show (maybe season?) is still the following though:


If I had to describe magi in one word, it would be fun. It’s not deep or mind blowing, the characters aren’t very developed (so far). The writing, while not full of holes and stupidity, has it’s fair share of kinks. The show does a great job, though, with it’s adventuring atmosphere. I’d recommend this show as a ‘fun’ watch – don’t expect anything amazing, but I personally find it quite an enjoyable show.