Author Archives: LC


To all those viewers who stumble upon our website. Please give us suggestions as to what kinds of things you want to see!
Any comment helps!


– Len Canvas

MIKU 39’s Giving Day!

My Gawd why does it have to be now?!!!! When I have midterms! GAH. anywhos the live is during class time anyways.. but if i find a link (for free) ill tell you. niconicolive.. i heard has it.. BUT ill just settle with youtube later… ill keep you posted. For now check out… Its a site which made youtube videos of voicaloid music much more fun to acess~ cheers to midterms! horra academia! All hail Britainia!


– Len Canvas

Claymore 124 on Mangahere??

Hey, I was doing my dialy manga update check and “claymore 124” came up. It appears that the scan is real but the subs are ridiculous ~ I’ll do research on if its legit. but hell its funny… the bad sex joke and rifting off dragonball Z on first page~~ LOL

I checked the chinese translation and it has the subs have nothing in common. There people in mangahere were getting creative with their riffs, and ppl posted it on other manga reading sites (lol). I guess its another of those censor shiz that noblesse was doing with the Korean censorship bill in protection of children (cept Noblesse more obviously?)

Check what mangahere did HERE

If you can chinese


Mangareader has it right btw. so if you’re using anything else. USE MANGAREADER.NET

Favorite Procrastination Music: Unhappy Refrain

So, I actually have a lot of work to do during this hell week (midterms) BUT in order to have more viewers (¬ *∆* )/ the stats are dropping!!!) I’ve decided to post more often and put a more diverse range of shiz up on this blog…

So whenever I try to put myself into concentration, the first thing i do is close and Facebook and switch on itunes (probably just like many of us?) One of my favorite albums to loop and loop is (though im a super fan of Len and his Hot Cocoa ~<3) Wowaka’s first full album Unhappy Refrain. Whats good about is that it has a good balance of extremely quick~steamrolling songs and slower streamlined ones. They are also high enough and with enough contrast to keep me awake late at night (or morning)…. The rhythm in the songs always remind me to get back to work whenever I compulsively press command + T every so often. The whole album (with all its remixes) is a over an hour, so instead of checking my Lumina, I can pace myself by the work I still have to do ~~ What’s your favorite procrastination album!

heres the hot cocoa song~ though honestly its musical quality is meh.. its its kinda annoying… for an alarm though it will surely wake you up…


– Len Canvas

Manga Reading Blog 1: Gantz

So I started to read this manga called Gantz, a highly skilled rendering, (fully rendered nudity), with perspective and realistic style, illustrated by Hiroya Oku of Young Jump -works including Zero One and the All famous HEN for the rather… interesting effect on the upper body. If you read the manga, he’ll talk about it.

The story: well, its about this “reality TV-show” (in quote because the suggestion changes as we go along) where people who died / almost died (the manga was unclear throughout a long run of it) is put in this room where random people are gathered. One of this incidence, a wild bishoujo appears (+ extremely enlarged breasts). The story itself is not sexual imo. Well anyways, lots a people “die” in this manga so be prepared. This manga has great backgrounds. In chapter 10, Hiroya Oku describes how he does all this incredibly realistic manga. The methods are obviously not what you expect and certainly not many manga fit this “factory” style (factory: famous Pop art artists like Andy Warhol call his studio a “factory” as his emphasis was the beauty of the normal everyday life). At first I sorta taken it as a joke but the (rather stiff) postures tell me otherwise. The manga gets more sophisticated later, so bear with the beginning. It is quite violent, both sexually and physically. The nudity cover of every chapter disturbs and there are implied sex every so often. If you’re not into it, like me, then make sure you skip the first page and you’ll do fine.

Random spoiler: Angelina J.’s Tomb Raider lookalike appears!

TROLL! If you want to see her, you gotta read it! im not telling you what chapter it is~ you’ll get rewarded later, if you like her that is… OH ya. SHE DIES.

KAY SO NOW IM CAUGHT UP. the artwork isn’t really art anymore and the 3D modeling is now to the point of disturbing, and the aileen arc is i think soon to close…. The story kept me reading though. Aesthetically, however, it no longer appeals to me. Half the time probably, the illustrator no longer needs to draw. The uniformity and the 3D model shading is just plain ugly.
BUT, again the story is quite interesting, though i guess it gets quite battle-manga-mecha-ish 😛

ALICE IN WONDERLAND <3 (mar 3 edit)

I recently finished catching up with Are you Alice?, a rendition of the Alice story where Alice is a guy~  well the 89th alice that is…

One would think since Alice in Wonderland is such a well known story, more manga/anime would be about it…
Heres the ones i know:

Kurshitsuji had an ova where Ciel was alice ❤ the anime (complete) / manga (ongoing) is nothing related but i just have to share~
Regarding fan art, there isn’t just cool ones I like since most are yaoi from the second season (nope not going to spoil it). I was sorta disappointed with Sub’s character but oh well…

isn't Ciel so kawaii~~<3

Pandora Hearts: the whole thin is about alice and the B. Rabbit which is a girl but a dude but not really (did i spoil something… well suck on it >:D) It’s not yaoi. but i just picked an offical image that looks like it would be mahahahaha~ feel evil today.

its a lot more popular wit the male gender group compared to Kuroshitsuji actually~ even though technically Kuroshisuji has more women in it O.O)?

Alice in the Country of Hearts: Never actually read/watched this one. so ill keep you updated on it as soon as i finish reading/watching (in the weekend perhaps?)  Its just some boring shoujo~~ not worth reading! unless you are into typical love-at-first-sight shoujo …

and of course ill have len! <3<3<3

<3<3<3 yep its not friday, but im doing it anyway~~ BOSS!

MANGA: Saint Oniisan~

I’ve been reading a lot of weird seinen lately. One of these are Saint Oniisan. It’s a comedy slice  of life with Jesus and Buddha as young men (straight) living together, both having their own heavenly troubles~

same author as Arakawa under the bridge~~ Nakamura Hikaru-sama

Arakawa Under the Bridge

A friend just introduced me to this odd anime. and I love it!
It begins with the protaganoist as the son of the biggest company with the intellect of a king and the the looks.. of a supposedly pretty boy. ANYWAY. he meets a self-proclaimed Venusian~ highly recommend~ has odd yet interesting humor with even perhaps satirical messages in the background~

Here’s a screenshot:


the anime has two seasons. the beginning starts with artwork you might find resembling Bakemonogatari. The second season is much more carefree than the first~
expect to read the manga after you’re done with the anime (im starting the manga now!)

Be sure to watch what is after the Credits 😀

(the story also has a drama so if your interested check it out)

Hi girls and guys~ yes im back

I’ve been busy doing stuffs so I didn’t have much time to think of a good post. anywars now that I’m slightly free and CardOtaku had his Lent post~
I suggest to also do things that you promised yourself to do but gave up on:

Using myself as an example. I’ve always admired ppl with their SAI and photoshop drawings on pixiv and DA, especially when they are manga/anime characters. Even when I was to illustrate for a story using manga style, I still didn’t have the courage to draw on computer. SO, I finally attempted on my first Photoshop drawing (with my mouse… >,<) Though as a self proclaimed perfectionist, I stopped myself from spending too much time on this (c’mon I’m still in college.)

I’m still trying to learn the proportions of the face in manga (my gawd just a tiny mistake makes a good looking face a flat one…) ANYWHOS.
The Point Is :: I challenge you to do something that you promised or wished you to do and work to it on these 40 (39?) many days!


Special Thanks to Silverblade for the suggestion ( ^^)-#

long manga/anime reflection 1 (Feb 23 edit)

sorry cant think of a better title:


Death is often used to emphasize loss, and perhaps sacrifice. That’s why anime regarding death exists, it strikes fear to ones heart -not because of the physical pain but of the sense of loss. Perhaps what is worse than death is the repetition of death. In Madoka, perhaps Mami’s death in the 3rd episode was shocking, yet we find Madoka and perhaps Homura’s puedo-death all the more saddening. It is however impossible for us to possibly comprehend death, for only those who experienced shall even have a glimpse of understanding.

The death and revival of Kumagawa in Medaka Box and the afterlife of Angel Beats makes death sound like merely a cycle of life itself. Death no longer scares anyone in the anime. In such world there is no need of treasuring life itself.

Anime and manga condense extremities of life, sometimes so much that it requires a fantastical scenario -perhaps where all the evil are sent to hell and, worse still, can disappear from heartless judgement. We read and watch epic and adventurous manga/anime because of the full and dramatic events which happen. We feel satisfied that good characters fulfilled their desire. I feel pity for the characters who stood firm on their beliefs.  We see characters who, from any point of their life, work with perfect determination towards their goal and never in utter hopelessness. Ichigo never loses his arms, Naruto never lost his demon fox, even Sasuke always gets help in his search for power. We desire such scenarios, we are comforted that even those who work much harder than we do  suffer death in the end. Even perhaps if one dies, someone WILL take their will. There is a dependent person who follows the desire of the fallen.

I love slice-of-life just because they show that saddening things in life are also to be treasured by a group of people with pure heart. In reality, we are human. Life on earth is not what we seek. Such monotonous earth, where time flows like grey shadows; where lines do not even exist; where true, complete trust is rarest of the rare, only amongst those who are willing to exchange their happiness with another’s sadness -perhaps even then doubt resides.  Yet this is easily seen in anime and manga -clear cut reasons of existence and dependance. Their emotions are never fluctuating, the characters never fail to simply feel. In the anime world, reality is reality. There is no self-doubt. The self-doubt is never a critical hinderance. If we ever look into our own lives, there is too much of this. There is no Kyubei to make a contract with. If there was perhaps the world would be a better place. The ultimate dispair is the intangible past, few of us, even with the intelligence, power, and determination, can change our memories of failure. Anime takes us into the lives of those rare chase of human species. Where scenarios are in the mind. Perhaps even death resides in the mind, when the person no longer make choices for themselves.

We fear yet welcome death. This polarity of emotions only break our minds. No rationalism, no excuse “cuz the writers said so” exists. We reap what we sow in the sense that whatever we do, we will forever be a negative (Medaka Box). We don’t even have control of ourselves, our mind breaks and seems more vulnerable when we are to even think of death. Yet in such vulnerability we are relieved of the need to make decisions just for a second. Anime and manga, often bring these seconds to us, and thus we are attached to them.