Going Deep with CardOtaku ;) – NO SHAME NO GAME!

Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here so … Here is a little something I was thinking about πŸ˜›
A couple of weeks back, I was talking to someone who was not very confident in being himself and often didn’t like telling people what his hobbies were (playing card games, watching anime and the list goes on). I, personally, also had this phase in my life and although I can’t say I’ve fully grown out of it, I can say that I am confident enough in telling my peers and my parents. Originally, I wasn’t very proud of myself of being an “otaku” though I can’t same I’m exactly “proud” of being one know I can say that I have come to terms with myself and learned to live and love this part of my life. πŸ™‚

Back to my friend who wasn’t comfortable with being himself, he said that he doesn’t want to tell his peers about his love for card games and anime because he thinks that his peers will make fun of him. This is where I shared a similar experience, but as I grew older I’ve learned that friends who make fun of your hobbies and claim that you are not “cool” just because you don’t conform with them aren’t exactly fit to be your friends in the first place. I’ve come to find that friends are people who you feel comfortable around and people who don’t really care too much about what you do and just accept you for who you are. Of course, it would be even better if those friends share the same hobbies as you, but one can’t ask for everything. πŸ˜›
So the TLDR for this post is…

Ditch those “friends” of yours who don’t take your interests into consideration and find some new friends that you can genuinely talk to and feel comfortable around! Most importantly, don’t be ashamed of being who you are! Trust me… It helps a lot in the long run! πŸ˜‰

Sorry for this sort of out of place post, but I feel like a lot of other people experience this problem, especially those living on west side of the planet!


About CardOtaku

A newbie graphic artist that loves anime and manga :)

Posted on February 28, 2013, in anime related, Life, manga, off topic, Random, Randomness. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This is probably phase that individuals overcome in strenghtening their passion for anime and proving they are worthy of being part of the official otaku club house! πŸ˜€

  2. I agree! πŸ˜€

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