PEWPEWPEWPEW~! Back From Japan!

Hey guys! CardOtaku here 🙂

I came back from Japan a few days ago and man… I am TIRED!
This was mainly because I had to attend class the day right after and I got home at 3:30AM the day just before >_>

Whelp! This is just a quick update to notify you guys that I am back, but I will have exams starting next week so I might not be able to post as often 😦
The other boys at Void.Canvas are finishing their exams and so that’s probably why you haven’t heard from them lately… Hopefully they will start posting again after they finish this semester! *cough* (I’m talking to you guys! Seriously… Don’t make me do all the work! XD)

Anyway… It’s time to go study again… :/

See yall soon! 😀


About CardOtaku

A newbie graphic artist that loves anime and manga :)

Posted on December 13, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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