Monthly Archives: September 2012

MUWHAHAHAHAHA!! Maids n stuffz… 2D VS 3D!

Hey GUYSSSS CardOtaku here!!!!! :DDDD

So I’ve recently found a “fetish” of mine and that is… maids?

Well for most of us Anime viewers, we often see maids in a wide variety of anime. (Steins;Gate, Maid-sama, Haruhi… etc. etc.)
Well, actually I’m not sure what the other members of Void.Canvas thinks of the maid cafe, (I went with both Jampopo and Len Canvas) BUT what I’ve realized is that going to a maid cafe in real life is so much more different than seeing it in anime because there are some things that a person has to experience in order to know how AWESOME it truly is! 😛

This brings me to the MAIN topic of the day! 2D vs 3D!!

Some things are better in 2D than in 3D and the same can be said vice versa… Let’s make a list shall we?! (I fricken love LISTS!)

Things better in 2D:
– Mechs
– lolis
– shota (Len Canvas 😉
– Big boobs

Things better in real life:
– Maids
– Zettai Ryouiki (Absolute Territory) (Maybe I will make a post about it later :3)
– stockings
– card games?
– regular sized boobs (Trolololol though… in anime this might be considered “flat”)
WELL… there are definitely more things I CAN put on the list of things better in real life, but  I guess I’ll save those things for different posts 😉

ANYWAYYYY… It’s been a while since I last posted (AGAIN), but hopefully once school starts I’ll have time to post more (SOUNDS WEIRD DOESN’T IT?! I’ll have more time to do random things when I’m in school?! wtf?!)

OH! Also… There’s a new member in Void.Canvas and well… He’s supposed to be posting things, but I have a feeling he’s going to end up to be another jampopo… >_> *COUGH COUGH*
We’ll see what happens! I’ll try my best to convince him to do some posting!

AND go check out our facebook page if u haven’t I post there more frequently than on here now XD (pshht! there’s also pictures of cosplay girls there…So if ya’know… If you’re into that stuff… You know where to click 😉

– CardOtaku