Monthly Archives: April 2012

We’re still alive and back from the Horizon (With big boobies n High-Tech Thingies)! :3

Hey guys… So… Uhhh… Sorry for the HUGEEEEE break we took… and is still taking from the Void.Canvas, but we are currently in our exam week and for the last few weeks of school we want to finish off strong! Sorry for not posting anything for a month >__<

BUTTTT We’ve been quite busy n yeahhh…

Today! I’m gonna talk about an anime called Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere. Initially, I didn’t get very good vibes from this anime because the first episode was super confusing. They introduced way to many characters (around 20) and didn’t really give any back story for any of the characters. All that I’ve learned is that there are a lot of girls with big boobies and there are a lot of high-tech thingies that make you go ZOMGAHHHH :D. However, that was enough to keep me watching until the end. I mean… Big boobies n high-tech thingies are pretty attractive ;). Like come on, isn’t that the reason we all watch the Transformers movies?

Well enough about that! Later on in the story, a lot more of the characters get flushed out and the plot is given more depth. Those pushes made me want to watch the anime for more of a cause. However, I still believe that the Anime could have used a lot more work because if you haven’t read the light novels then it will also be confusing for you. A season two for this series has already been planned and I look forward to it! Hopefully, they’ll do a better job and make use of the huge toolbox of characters they have in their disposal.

I’ll give this anime a 7/10! So, it’s not too bad! If you like big boobies n high-tech thingies give it a shot! 😉 You might like it!

Oh! Before I go I’ll tell you guys that we probably wont start posting again until May so don’t be disappointed! We’re not dead! XD
See you guys soon! 😀