Animes… yea, that’s the title for this post..

Heyooooooo y’alls! How’s y’all been doing lately? Great? Nice. That’s nice.. soooo errrr sorry for the absence that lasted for.. like.. twenty hundred years, but i was very, very busy with school work (essays, tests etc. You know, those things), and so I’ll hereby apologize for my lack of participation in this blog these past weeks.. and months perhaps.. yikes.

Anyways have no fear because I’ve also been watching animes ALL THIS TIME!! yes I’ve gotten through around 3 animes, and am still watching one more now. So for the next few days, I’ll be spreading out my reviews/ random thoughts on these animes, and hopefully my discussion on them will help you in deciding what you’ll want to watch next or make you rewatch them (if you’re into that).

So let’s quickly get on with this review thing. yea~~ first up is….: Mouretsu Pirates (up till episode 12). This anime is about…”The story centers around a spirited high school girl named Marika. She keeps herself busy with the space yacht club and her part-time job at a high-class retro café. One day, two strangers suddenly appear and claim to be subordinates of her dead father. They demand that she assume command of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru. A privateer ship’s compact was made during a war of independence a century ago, and according to that compact, the ship must be inherited by the captain’s next direct descendant. Marika finds herself embarking on a new life as a space pirate.” (thanks

TL;DR, a girl becomes a space pirate captain.

Yes. Sounded kinda.. mehh, right? Right? Well whatever the case, for me it did sound a little too typical, in a way. I’ll be honest with you and say this anime didn’t go well for me at the beginning, (though at around episodes 9-ish it finally started to pick up a little.. ish. We’ll get to that later) and this was due to the fact that it just didn’t have a very strong foundation at the beginning. What I mean by this is that it introduced everything too quickly without putting much of a strong background or attempt to solidify the importance of these information. And throughout the anime there seemed to be too many filler episodes that could’ve been used to perhaps list out the details and history or other stuffs. Sadly, it didn’t do that. And well… I still just went on with it. Just to finish it. Yeap. But seriously, the end waaas pretty interesting.

But!! yes, but, there were some interesting parts in the anime. Firstly, as an anime that focuses in the future, the story did well in fitting in little details that make it seem, well, futuristic! Descriptions about spaceships and all those complicated bleep bloop about everything did, in fact, sound pretty legit(imate). But! yeaa, another but, these little details (most of them mentioned in the earlier episodes) just seemed to fall out later on in the story. It was as if the time they spent on explaining things were just another filler and proved to be a waste of time. For example they explained the concept of cyber battle (or something along that line) during the first few episodes, but they never mentioned it afterwards! And that just.. really… really.. is disappointing T^T because cyber battling (or whatever it was called) did seem pretty interesting. Finally though, by the start of episode 9-ish, things started to pick up. The story got a bit more intense, and I finally began anticipating for the next episodes. And that was it. Episode 12 (the end of that story arc) was a little disappointing.

At this point, I’m gonna say sorry to all those fans or just viewers who liked the anime. But for me, other than the cool space bits and parts, and the occasional lol moments, Mouretsu Pirates just proved to be another good way to seriously kill time. Honestly speaking though, it could’ve been sooo muchhh betterrrr if they had just focused more on the “space” part and “story” part, instead of taking the “whoop today we’re gonna do pretty much the same thing as yesterday, yipee” approach.

Nonetheless, I will be anticipating the new episodes and new season of Mouretsu Pirates, just because I’m holding onto the hope that they will seriously get things back together in the future. If not, well, they shouldn’t make a third season then. Seriously.

Here’s a picture of pretty much all the characters that were in the anime, though I swear I’ve never seen some of them.. hmm.. we’ll see.

Posted on March 27, 2012, in Anime Review and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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