Sorry, Midterms! — Anime Note: reaction to the opposite sex

In the break, I said posted out a list of anime I was going to watch during the sping break week. Sadly, I am not finished with the list, but… Now I have more material!
I love breaking down anime and give myself the occasional pat on the back for predicting exactly what is going to happen next. (>,<) Out of coincidence I first watched Mayo Chiki! (more interesting one) then now on Working! (not so interesting). Both aren’t especially exciting or face-paced, just because they want to give a slice-of-life feel, demo   but they both have one thing in common -characters with volatile reactions towards the opposite sex. That was really what made me keep watching Working! The anti-climatic humor brought from these repetitive scenes—

Working! is a recently completed anime of basically the protagonist working in a family diner, where he meets interesting (not so interesting in anime terms) people

Mayo Chiki! is about the main character and his relation with his school idol- a butler who serves the principle’s daughter who slaps the nurse with wads of money…. 😀

18+ note: most likely because the origins of Mayo Chiki!, it has one 10 second scene of stills that might resemble what you find *ehem* in *ehem* eroge *cough*cough*.



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Posted on March 23, 2012, in Randomness. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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